New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

TBH, I felt BFA was more centered. Ya alot of female roles but there was a decent amount of male cinematics too.

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“woman heavy” is a very interesting term for “there were about an equal number of character of both genders”. I’m sure none of these people complained about all the previous xpacs with hugely male-leaning rosters either, so I doubt they’re commenting here in a plight for equal representation

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And before that he stood in Stormwind castle for several months. xD

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You do realize that the population of humans on this planet is not decreasing right? The rate we are growing isn’t even down, it’s just the percentage increase. We are not going to suddenly go away we are just going to have to shift our economic systems.

The idea that describing humanity as not cosmically necessary is insane rather than a simple philosophical perspective is the actual insanity. We matter to us, but to the rest of the planet we are not a good or necessary thing. You just can’t grasp that.

The kitchen thing as you put it is a queloquialism for describing the misogyny we are discussing. I am not being literal. As I said, I don’t expect anyone who can’t see women having choice as a good thing to understand any of that.

Yeah they retconned it and brought him back later. She killed him in TBC. The most popular male character killed by female character. Everyone was happy with it. It wasn’t lame and didn’t feel shoehorned, particularly since the entire NE faction in WC3 was already built around female warriors. Cool ones.

True, and of course the major female lead was Sylvanas who was much better written then a lot of the newer female leads, not great, but better than the newer ones.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Is it bad that I once shipped Maiev and Illidan? I mean… she did chase after him, after all! You know what? I don’t even want an answer. It’s not bad!

Illidan was too busy simping for Tyrande to notice Maiev.

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True… Poor Maiev… :frowning_face:

whats that term ya’ll like to use? Whataboutism?

Isn’t that what your doing here. Truth is people only stand up when an issue effects them thats the way it generally works. You don’t see a lot of folks that was fighting for representation standing up now either do you. You can shield your eyes if you want but a reversal of roles is all that is happening. If you think thats a good thing, thats simply a foolish thought. Because any role that can be reversed can be reversed again it solves nothing and only creates conflict.

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You…haven’t done any research at all have you. The population is decreasing and is slated to decrease.

And Illidan made so many sacrifices . . .

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Feel free to provide a source on this.

I’m also not done with the video game music. Remedy has some great musical numbers in their games(often performed by the Old Gods of Asgard). I am an absolute sucker for Sam Lake’s style of weird in his writing.

RIP James McCaffrey. Just as we were getting some Max Payne again.

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I think Carlin said it best.

“The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!”
"The planet will shake us off like a bad case of the fleas. A surface nuisance.”

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I’ve sacrificed everything…what have you given? The demon hunters in legion constantly reminded us :stuck_out_tongue:

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i gave 1 cheese puff

I got so sick of hearing that over and over and over again.

Just like “ReMeMbEr ThE sUnWeLl!” years after they regained their sunwell.

They are just trying to remind themselves and everyone else. That Fel addiction left them with short term memory loss.