New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

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Okay but 95% of these characters aren’t in TWW, and every major leader in TWW so far is female. That’s the point. It’s pretty obvious there was some real world american political preference bleeding into the game, not sure why it’s hard to admit.


How many of those leaders are actually active in the story? A huge portion of those names aren’t even in TWW.


her name is veressa karenrunner. i refuse acknowledge her as alleria.

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Male Leaders:

Human: Anduin, faction leader. A wuss.
Trolls: Rexxar, a little kid troll.
Dwarves: Follows Anduin’s or whatever neutral faction comes around.
Blood Elves: Was and still is the butt of both Jaina and once Sylvana’s words.
Gnomes & Mechagnomes: Has a short haired butch girl who functions as the “sane” person of their faction. I noticed this straight out of the gate.
Worgen: Genn is a neutered dog that follows what Anduin or Jaina tells him.
Orcs: Currently have no leader.
Tauren: Baine is the definition of a beta buck (see what I did there). The Highmountain chieftain he’s hanging around with almost feels like she’s about to take over things.
Vulpera: They don’t have an official leader. In fact, the leader can be male or female based on which of the NPCs you like the most in the story.

As for the combined leadership:

Void Elves: male
Night Elves: Tyrande runs the show. Malfurion is her “yes, dear”.
Pandaren: They have no leader. It’s whoever decides to show up at the meeting.

It is what it is, hoss. I know why I did what I did and I know what I have to answer for when I kneel in judgment before the Almighty. Thank you for your service, brother.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

some are even dead, and another one hasn’t been a leader since cata, tho since then has essentially been written as the typical absent father trope

No? Where is written in the world that humanity has to continue itself? I’m not saying I want people to go extinct, I’m explaining to you that there is no explicit reason for humanity to exist. Would existence itself cease or something without us? Is some deity going to punish us if we do?

The universe is meaningless, and so by extension are we. So do what you want, just don’t take that choice away from others.

Yeah, keep quoting Hermes, lol. Geez.

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You can’t go that meta with people who believe women’s place is in the kitchen. They are not going to come anywhere near understanding the philosophical idea you are talking about.

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Perhaps one day I’ll go out by posting something like that, but until then I’ll stay a little closer to the line.


Well unlike this game you love to play World of Warcraft, I have a simple female mind and I just can’t fathom ever being in combat like the women you’re totally 100% cool with in this game and have zero problem with existing. And if I and other women tried to be any different, you’d tell us we’re making the military “woke” and it was doing “DEI”.

In general, all the races have become a bland, modernized mix.

Speaking of Tyrande… The Night Elves, at least their original concept, portrayed them as almost feral when someone threatened their forests.
In WoW, they became nothing more than a joke and perpetual victims, throwing tea parties and inviting over those who destroyed Ashenvale, Darkshore, blew up a school with children in Stonetalon Mountains, and burned down Teldrassil.
Where does that make any sense? And that’s just one of many examples.

WoW has turned into a pure My Little Pony caricature.

Anyway, I think there was a theme I was supposed to be hitting this thread with.

Humanity isn’t going to cease to exist. Observant Christians, muslims, hindus, etc. have lots of kids. It’s mainly secular western people who do not. Mathematically they will be replaced in several generations, along with their liberal cultures, if they do not have more kids. Biology does not care which culture is more beautiful or fair or liberal, only which one propagates.


Except it’s not even philosophical it’s actual insanity. You’re so stuck on the kitchen comment still.

Ideologies are not implanted onto people when they are brought into creation like some kind of android. People change their ideologies all the time, they are not born with them. Hope this helps.

Very true, I raised 9, I have friends who are lifelong liberals without a single one. They have cats though . . .

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

It almost sounds like you’re reading from some left wing script. You all sound the same. I’m sorry you feel you have a simple female mind though. Honestly the simple mind really shows. Even though I never said anything about women having simple minds. Sorry that you feel you have to degrade yourself.


Alright: Too much cheese. Is it possible?

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