New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Required, if you want society to continue.

If nobody is having kids, then society straight up ceases to exist.

If we want society to continue existing, then yes, having kids is required. The fact I have to tell you this just boggles the mind.

Wow, okay, so you’re trying to equate a fantasy world with the real world. Awesome.

Here’s a clue: Characters in a game aren’t real. The story writers can make an infinite number of characters appear out of thin air.

Can’t do that IRL, can you? No Kids = No New Generations = No Society.


What’s the consensus on candy corn around here?

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Ohhhhh boy…now do all of the people that have been blindly agreeing with you feel strange yet? You claimed you were a “biologist” but then say there isn’t a reason that a species has to reproduce? Hmm. Let me think. Maybe for the SURVIVAL of the species? I get that you’re an asexual man hating misandrist that thinks the world deserves to burn but you’re the problem with society. People that think like you and actually have the power to vote. It’s terrifying.


You’re right, and liberal society (which appears to be yours) is dying. It will be replaced by conservative cultures who have more kids (e.g., conservative religious people). This is just a mathematical reality. If you don’t want that to happen then you need to have more kids. Your values won’t survive the collapse of your population, they will be replaced by the values of the more populous cultures. It’s that simple. I don’t want it to happen, but it will unless something changes, and soon.


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So you’re cool with playing a fantasy game where women are portrayed as what you consider to be unnatural for women to be? Not housewives and not having any children?

But also the men characters should be more manly like what you think men should be like IRL?

How does that cognitive dissonance make any sense to you?


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Children are created through force rituals

Yeah, the cityfolk who hate having families and kids will eventually die off, and the farmers, IE, the people who are producing all the food, who are mostly conservative, who are the ones actually raising kids, will eventually be the only ones having kids.

All I said is that I wanted some diversity.

Instead of the game’s female leaders being a good 80% of them, I’d like something close to 50/50 and I’d like a spread of personalities, genders, etc.

I never said I wanted all the dudes to be extra manly and there to only be housewives. Where the frick did I say that anywhere in the thread? I want you to quote it.


People having to reproduce to continue the species is just a fact. It isn’t a justification for it. I was saying there is no justification for humans continuing to reproduce, because there is no inherent meaning to the world and there is no arbiter to mete out punishment for “not doing what you’re supposed to”.

So why do you think that women and men should be varied in leadership and personality in a fantasy video game, but not in real life? Why are you chill with equality in a fantasy video game but not in real life?

If none of this matters then what is your purpose arguing about it? You’re in a performative contradiction


Yes this is the problem. There have always been strong female characters in Warcraft. Characters like Jaina, Tyrande, Maiev, have been around since WC3. No-one had a problem with them, in fact even the biggest neckbeards generally liked them. The change was the removal and neutering of all masculine characters. We are told that this is done to promote diversity, but it is in fact removing diversity and excluding a huge array of male character archetypes, which is a silly in a game about war and fighting with likely >80% of the market of players being male (though many have left due to the changes, or play classic). The old era had better diversity, better female and male characters, and everyone was happy. This is obviously being changed for real world political reasons.


The justification is to see how far the human species can go. As one sci fi show put it…

To go boldly where no one has gone before.

The human spirit. Though I can understand some weak willed people lacking such a thing in this modern time.


Also…the population won’t survive their values. Having said that, they’re not really liberals anymore.


People generally care about the continued existence of Mankind. Even liberals.

You know, that’s why they’re going on and on about climate change because they are afraid Earth will be uninhabitable some years down the line.

So, they claim they care about future generations, but they don’t wanna go out and make future generations.


A lot of this thread needs a

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If our society was really all that great, would you need to scream and shout to try and coerce me to make kids? If our society is really all that good, would I have felt compelled to sterilize myself so noone could force anything upon me?

Our characters are literally murdering our enemies in the game. How could that make any sense in real life?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: