New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

If you have to coerce people to reproduce in order to have your society than your society deserves to die, just saying.

Luckily no woman would ever dare get that close to you. You’re a walking, talking red flag.


Acolyte didn’t fail because it had women in it. It failed because it was poorly written and started off WAY too slow. So the numbers crashed after the second episode.

Nice non-engagement, troll

Women are kinda required to have kids.

If they don’t, then where will new generations come from?

It’s not about them being “breeding stock”, but if women aren’t having kids, then there’s no new humans and then what? society just straight up dies?


It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. Humans are, whether you like it or not, sexually reproducing creatures.

Just because YOU don’t like the idea that women need to have kids to produce the next generation of people, doesn’t mean it ain’t true.

But you know, breeding does require more than just a woman. You talk about breeding like it’s a bad thing, but it’s just as much of a part of life, as death is. Everybody is born, and everybody dies.


Ok, send me a sample. I know a guy that knows a guy who makes cologne and perfume, we’ll make a killing. We’ll call it…Fruit of the Pit.

Imagine asking what kind of pizza to make and the guy goes “screw it, just toss a whole damn roasted chicken on there”.

Having it mostly be women goes kinda hand in hand with its failure. Not exactly BECAUSE of the women, but the women were used as a tool for a message.

I like chicken on my pizza, but that might be taking it a step too far. lol

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This is the first thing you’ve said that we agree on. You’re learning!

I didn’t know because I hadn’t seen any of them or heard anything about them. I thought that since it was MCU and DC, they might have actually done a good job with them. Someone already informed me that they didn’t though, thanks for the info anyway! :+1:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

chicken cheddar pizza is amazing…a new yorker has spoken

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Most of the animated DC movies are top-tier if you are looking for some DC movie action!

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I mean it’s not true. We’re not required to do anything in life. We determine what we do with our life. The world itself does not have meaning.

There’s no inherent reason for why humanity needs to reproduce or exist.

I can’t keep them off me

I’d argue it was poorly-written b/c the priority was to push women leads at all cost versus creating compelling story arcs true to StarWars historic themes though.


How do you feel about the dozens and dozens of women in this game that never have any children?

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Personally, I think Enix made a huge mistake by wrapping up Endwalker so quickly. At times, it felt like they were trying to check off as many points as possible just to start something new.
For example, Zenos still didn’t get any real story, even though there was so much potential. Instead, he was merely a plot device for the WoL, and in multiple ways at that.

The Garlean storyline had a good start, but it was also rushed. There was so much more that could have been done with it.

What they did to the gods was just bitter. Many players probably didn’t even notice their mini-story because it was optional content.

I could go on with this list. There was still so much that could have been explored, and I almost wish they had split Endwalker into two parts.

Instead, they used the post-patches for an endless pity tour for Zero, introduced one villain after another only to defeat them immediately, and skimmed over the story of the 13th shard way too quickly.

And Dawntrail… no offense, but Dawntrail reminds me a bit of Dora the Explorer and has nothing to do with the quality we’re used to from this game.


In any case, I can’t wait till tomorrow when the playerbase realizes how female heavy the quests are. They won’t be able to hide all the stuff that is happening to the men. First zone, and you already have the women being more competent than the bumbling men. What is this, a daytime sitcom?