New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

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you forgot onions and the meat is a ghoulash kebab.

It is possible to make a good expansion after. But they screwed up by making us suffer Wuk Lamat and a literal Disney-tier storyline. Either the industry is lacking talent or someone is forcing these companies to make bad narratives. It has to be one or the other cause I’ve seen amateurs on this forum alone that write better.

Nope, I am laughing at your ideas just fine.

The population is in total collapse in every liberal country. Women do in fact need to have kids.

ooof, why do people like this always have to be in these threads. Can’t we just discuss the real issues and not bring in the weird superiority complex crap.

and for all you OCD fans out there.


There’s a few women doing those jobs, but for every 1 woman running a jackhammer (and doing it with less efficacy than a man because her body is simply not heavy enough to run a jackhammer properly), there’s 50+ men doing it.

Just because you find an outlier here and there doesn’t suddenly invalidate the point that men are simply more common (and I’d argue better) in such jobs.

I mean, look at Lia Thomas.

Male to Female Trans. 400th place in Men’s Swimming before the transition. Goes to Female Swimming and absolutely destroys the competition effortlessly.

Does that not say something to people about the difference?


Onions are like, if god somehow took the essence of sweaty armpit and made it a fruit.

i can’t help but feel like you just violated several dozen aspects of the geneva convention with that

Women are inferior voters, not inferior humans. Why are you so insecure?


Ah you posted a gif of a strong woman! BURN HER!!!

I see. You’re being deliberately obtuse then. Got it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

idk i feel like this is worse.

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Alright pineapple on pizza is controversial, but what about pizza on pineapple?

Wow you sure showed us that you don’t think women are inferior breeding stock lmao


I…did not see that one coming.

Nooo. The more they push this crap the more opposition they create. People are getting very tired of it. 4 years ago hardly a whisper about it existed. today it’s much different and gets worse every year. Title after title like the one’s you mentioned are dismissed. Star Wars is learning this lesson too. RIP Acolytes.


My armpits smell like onions and maple syrup because I eat a lot of onions, it’s possibly one of the most alluring things ever smelled

Are you seriously trying to play off your comments thus far as being jokes? That rant about the government was just a joke? if so you are very bad at sarcasm, but if it’s true I will accept it…sure why not.

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