New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

This sort of abomination would not be allowed to exist within the Horde.
For the Horde!

Ever heard of a word called instinct?

During wartime in previous conflicts, I remember reading stories about women who wound up in combat situations, and had a rifle in their hands. I remember reading about how the enemy was using children to run up to soldiers with grenades.

Women had a hard time shooting kids, because of their maternal instincts. The men had a much easier time (it was hard for them too, granted).

Also, there’s an overwhelming opinion I remember reading about, where female nurses are very highly preferred over male ones by both males and females. Why do you suppose that it is? Maybe because women are better at being comforting and empathetic in general?

Or how about how department stores would usually favor women when it comes to hiring cashiers and other customer service employees? Because they generally were better at having softer, kinder voices that people liked hearing (at least until the past 2-3 decades when we have a lot of younger girls with personalities that are entirely toxic).

How many women do you see running jackhammers in construction? How many women do you see sitting on girders up on a 50+ floor building under construction? How many women do you see with shovels doing road construction in 100 degree heat? You see a few, but there’s 3-5x as many men as there are women.

There’s a reason for that.


I had a thought the other day that needs exploring. You know how people argue pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza because there’s already a sweet & tangy ingredient - the tomato sauce? What if instead of tomato sauce, you made a pizza with pineapple sauce?

I’m just someone who doesn’t feel sexual attraction.

Lies for $100.


Not only the reviews on Steam, but also on Metacritic have been affected. FF14 had consistently received very positive ratings. I think the lowest rating was for ARR, with something like 7.5/10, while everything after that was higher.
However, Dawntrail is currently sitting at 6.2/10, and it’s expected that the user score will continue to drop.
This is extremely bad for a community like FF’s, because FF fans are generally known for praising everything from Enix to the skies.

The decline in quality actually started during the post-patches of Endwalker, partly because they swapped out some of the writers. From the post-patches onward, the story became so predictable and cliché that even hardcore fans started voicing more and more criticism on various social media platforms.
Then in Dawntrail, everything got exponentially worse because the entire narrative revolved around the definition of a Mary Sue, named Wuk Lamat, and everyone around her was portrayed as passive and almost dumb, while she could do everything.

For a game that is especially known for its great story, this was naturally a huge disappointment, which is now clearly reflected in the reviews. Another negative factor was the new partnership between Enix and SBI, which also brought a lot of criticism. We’ll see how things develop. Hopefully, they’ll manage to turn things around, because until now, FF was the only MMO with a truly solid story. :confused:


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Well I mean the perfect people to take care of our kids are people who can’t figure out how to write a check. Or does that only happen when you are having your period? /s just in case because I really don’t want to be associated with this idiocy.


Tell us what that reason is and what it has to do with our “different brains”. Please explain.


That thing is a damn hate crime.

As somebody who actually likes pineapple on pizza…

This might be one of the worst things said in this thread.

Dawntrail is sorta boring ngl. Though to be honest how do you make something on par with Endwalker? The big story finally came to an end and a lot of people are satisfied with leavings things at that.

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Excuse me you mean body type 2.

Don’t use woke bingo words.

Ok so then for you pineapple enjoyers, it could be made with pineapple sauce on bottom and tomato slices on top

The post-patches of Endwalker were a huge homage to FF4. Of course it was predictable because they were basically following the same story as FF4, so we already knew basically what was going to happen.

Brightblade literally said that women maintain and provide infrastructure like that last night. You know…using jackhammers and heavy equipment and all that. That was pretty hilarious. That was one of her arguments when she said society doesn’t need men. Because…you know…there are tons of women out there doing those jobs…yeah…


that is my contribution for now.

It’s all downhill from here.

I actually don’t like tomato in non-sauce form.

I mean, I see bread, sauce, meat, potatoes, cheese, it checks out on paper.

Honestly if we just made it a law that a woman has to have a male guardian present before casting her vote, 90% of our society’s problems would be solved overnight

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