New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

WoW has been a girl power bonanza since BFA.

Not sure if you are just failing at being funny here or really believe that. I mean, do you really think things changed because women loved it so much and that is why…they fought to have more rights? That really doesn’t make sense.

I sometimes think people don’t understand how ridiculous things were. Women couldn’t open their own checking accounts without a man signing off on it until 74 in the united states. Misoginy is not a good thing. It’s ridiculous.

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Oh, did you want boy power?

Really wish ignoring all of these alt account would also ignore the person behind them. The system is still so broken.

I don’t care how many females there are. The problem is all of the male characters have been rewritten to be useless soy boys or just killed off. Almost ALL of the new male characters introduced this expansion are instantly written in as evil…vanquished…and then replaced by heroic females. Do you want the examples? Or will you just ignore those too?


This thread is still active? What did I miss?
grabs a bag of popcorn

I just want it on record that I’ve made very little effort to do this because I think almost everybody involved in this discussion is insane.

Allow me to sum it up with a gif:


Yeah hard disagree.
Also in good storytelling men have emotions. How are they any different than the female roles?

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That was objectively funny. Also, funny or not, it’s literally, empirically true. If anything, it says more about women than it does about men or society as a whole.

It is what it is.

Now…I’m thinking pastrami.

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100% Its too noticable and ruins immersion.

Fun fact: When women were asked if they wanted the right to vote, they overwhelmingly voted against it. They didn’t want equal rights because they had a more comfortable position in society, namely not having to sign up to be drafted and not being able to incur debt (a husband was responsible for his wife’s debt)

Interestingly, women still don’t have to sign up for the draft. For all the feminist bellyaching over “bodliy autonomy”, ya’ll are awfully silent about the fact that you are literally in a position to vote for wars in which men can be forced to fight, but women cannot


Bro the main antagonist of War Within is a female.
Did you forget about Sylvanas or will you just ignore that too?

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Things changed because the government wanted to double the working taxpayers and suckered women into going to work. That’s right ladies, you all got played by men in the government. It started with the right to vote, and they stirred the pot for a few decades, then they got you all into the workplace to slave away 50 and 60 hours a week. Women took that bait that the men in the government offered hook, line, and sinker, then ran with it like their heads were on fire and their backsides were catching, not even realizing all this time that they got played by men in the government. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Make Thrall great again
Horde rise up!

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You know asexual people exist right? Regardless of how you feel about it?

I love my job, I love it much more than being dependent and forced to be with a man I don’t care about so I can eat.

Man this thread blew up!

Also why are you talking about asexuality?

Before the train wreck we all see before us, somebody early in this thread mentioned Lord of the Rings and it was a great example cause the men in that are allowed to be tender and show emotion but also be heroic.


There’s nothing stopping you from laying down and taking it anyway

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So you think women’s suffrage movement and all the feminist marches were just a mistake? The women were super happy and then whoops accidentally spend tons of years getting rights? What a weird take.