New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Its quite literally what you are advocating

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I don’t think you are understanding the argument then. Aside from the downright creepy dudes talking about forced breeding and marriage…like wtf? There are many sane men who enjoy watching action movies, playing action games etc. what we want is something epic to experience. Think Braveheart freedom speech, Aliens Ripley’s get away from her you B, Avengers Endgame team up. Instead we’re getting melodrama and sad face emojis. It just happens most of those epic moments in cinema are male dominated for obvious and unfortunate reasons. The Bros yearn for those moments because it’s what they remember.

I just finished a quest that closely mirrors the last stages of someone with dementia and living through that in real life I can 100% tell you it’s not fun and shouldn’t be considered an enjoyable experience. It almost felt exploitative. I felt icky after completing the quest chain.

This expansion so far seems to be small in scale and limited in player influence. I feel like I’m an extra on the set of a movie and my actions don’t matter. Like an observer.

What I think most guys are asking for is to put us into some epic, spine tingling, impactful stories. If it’s a female quest giver that’s fine but enough of the touchy feely stuff, we got way too much of that in DF.


I don’t have a problem with feminism until the point where it becomes toxic and starts to DEGRADE the idea of women having and raising families. If that’s not what you want to do I fully support women having their choice to not have kids but toxic feminists like Brightblade and others are so against that concept that they are trying to push people away from it because they hate it so much themselves. That’s the problem.


Variety is the spice of life, as they say.


Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

I understand just fine and agree with a number of the points, but these threads tend to devolve into the creepy people being weird about it so I don’t tend to take them very seriously.

I was just replying to somebody saying “nobody cares if it’s good, and Anduin was very well written”. A lot of the people complaining right now don’t think Anduin is well written.


We need blood, sweat, and maximum effort!
We need to put the war back into WARcraft!
We need our big bois back to lead the charge into the fray!
We need real stakes and not this “feelings can trump all” or “pandering for pats on the back” bs!
We need the Horde to be put back on its feet, not left in the dust to be forgotten!

Yeah, it’s super weird! Just look at the next post under me. Haha. What are you talking about guy?

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Sure I understand wanting that. However, I don’t think an intelligent woman is ‘wasted’ by being a mother, especially if she’s active in their education. Her smarts are invaluable if they’re being passed on to the next generation. When you’re working 40+ hours a week, it becomes a hell of a lot harder to do that

Raising kids also isn’t a lifelong endeavor. Once they’re in their teens they basically take care of themselves, and it’s not long after that they leave home and you have all the free time in the world to pursue whatever you want


No this post is about this:

Bring back the men!

I’m sorry but kids are a lifetime commitment and not people to be left alone, especially in their teens of all times dear christ. Do you know how expensive teenagers are?

I’m starting to suspect most of you incels are just the products of neglect

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Shaming women into behaving “morally”, which you describe as having babies and taking care of them and the home. Yeah that sure sounds like you want to take away their autonomy. You want to shame them into doing something they (some women at least) obviously don’t want to do.

It’s telling you are using an alt account to do all this as well.

So silly. Just because someone has a job, or isn’t the primary or only home maker doesn’t mean they don’t influence their children. The fact that you see a woman’s right to choose if she becomes a mother or not as “feminist ideology” is borderline cro-magnon. It’s ridiculous right wing drivel from the a bygone era.

Women get to choose if they become mothers, and it is a moral and fine to not become a mother or to have their spouse raise their children. It is also moral and fine to want to have a nuclear family. All of those choices are fine as long as everyone involved wants them.

Your ideas are closer to the ideas of the Taliban than a modern American. It is disturbing how normalized these types of thoughts have become with the far right ultra supposed masculine testosterone injecting Crowder types now. Your ideas of strength are really just that of scared tyrants.


Depression is set to qualify you for assisted suicide in Canada. I think they should medically put him out of his misery and replace him with someone else at the forefront.

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Who are you to decides who can talk and what about?
What a fascist attitude.


Wild accusation and probably projection, as I would argue the only reason someone would need to be taken care of into adulthood is if they were damaged by bad parenting (ignoring chronic medical conditions/disabilities)

How much of your post is you speaking from your parents’ experience?


Well that specific post was about nothing. I’d say I think you meant this thread, but I’m not sure this thread is about that anymore either.

This post is about explaining that, and an excuse to post this gif:

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Speaking of right and left wing drivel how about left wingers in this forum saying that society doesn’t need men…at all? Certain feminist in here said that very thing last night. Right wing vs left wing where one side thinks society just doesn’t need a certain group of people anymore. That sounds along the lines of…something that started with an H…only involving a certain sex this time.


Young men aren’t going around respecting blue haired feminist “strong women”, they’re making fun of them, as they should. Your plan to indoctrinate other people’s kids through exposure isn’t working


I’m not deciding anything. I’m just making some suggestions for the moderators who do.