New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

You know, I joke about “this entire thread must be purged” but I’m not sure I’ve seen a thread that needs it more. I don’t think purging is even gonna cut it anymore.


How is saying “x is a better lifestyle for you” taking anyone’s autonomy away? Do you not have the free will to say “no I’ll do something else”? How weak are you?

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I’m sorry but you’re not going to pivot from your original argument being that I an others have a “duty” to produce children and serve men.

Oh ok, lets look at “good faith”

:skull: :skull: :skull:


I’ll take some thanks. It’s always entertaining to watch her seethe and rage at the patriarchy. The evil evillllll patriarchyyyyyyy.


Men lack many of the gifts women have, and have many of the things women lack. This makes men better suited to work, and women better suited to rear children. So men get the short end of the stick, but we’re tough, we’ll be okay :wink:


Garlic butter and salt too? It’s homemade, my wife makes it.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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“Seething and raging against the patriarchy” and it’s just me wanting us all to have autonomy instead of being societally delegated to be breeders.

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What is bad faith about that? Do you think “said thing I don’t like” = bad faith? lol

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We need more big beefy men in our world of warcraft.
Big beefy men that have both the smarts and the brawn.
Leading the charge into battle to defend both the horde and the alliance!
(yes the Horde still exists blizzard)

Oh no hunny there’s a big difference in the things that you have said in this thread between women’s rights and just straight up being a misandrist.

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Life isn’t fair, grow up and deal with it sweetie

It’s funny how “misandry” is a constantly shifting word that only gets brought up when women criticize aspects of society that hurt women.

Reducing women’s autonomy to breeders for one. I don’t expect you to get it, you are so far gone.
Please seek therapy. There’s nothing wrong with having someone to talk to.


nah screw smarts we need more garrosh copies trying to rule the world with the zug zug brain

I heavily disagree with your belief that being a stay-at-home housewife is the best lifestyle for me.

I am happiest surrounded by family in the sense that they are my social and emotional support. Because who doesn’t love that? Men included.

But would you have told Marie Sklodowska-Curie to give up on science and focus exclusively on her children? She managed to raise two daughters and receive two Nobel prizes in chemistry and physics at the same time.

I am not claiming to be in the same league as Sklodowska-Curie, but as a woman in science I would feel like my wings have been cut. Do you understand my perspective?


I have dealt with it. I’ve taken steps to ensure that I can never do my “duty” as you do aptly put it. And the more you float that kind of rhetoric, the more women like me will make that choice.

The next expansion needs to have all male leads to balance this out. And before you start, I’m a woman irl.

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How have I reduced anyone’s autonomy? Do you think words are equivalent to force?

Everything starts out as words/thoughts. Then they escalate into actions.