New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Wow that is just creepy. Also, do you think I am a woman?


So. How hard did daddy beat you while growing up? Are you sure you turned out fine?

Since I was posting Seinfeld I also would have accepted serenity now, but as we all know:

and I think it’s later now.

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How are your ‘strong women’ going to influence the men of the future if they aren’t raising them? What’s ‘creepy’ is you wanting to indoctrinate other people’s children into your feminist ideology


There isn’t going to be a “future generation” if you creeps keep at it.

Why would you marry a man who sees you as nothing more than an object to be owned? Is that all you can attract? Do you lack the ability to discern? This makes no sense, marriage requires both parties to consent, you know that right?


This is legitimately insane incel behavior :skull:
People should have the right to their own autonomy. Just say you hate women


What you are has nothing to do with your arguments, of which you are making very few :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Who is taking anyone’s autonomy away? Nothing but strawmen because none of you can engage in good faith :stuck_out_tongue:


The only argument that you’re making is that you should be gelded post-haste for everyone else’s safety, including yours.

Feminism guarantees the right of a woman to choose. She can be a career woman. She can be a stay-at-home housewife. She can be a mom working part-time.

To each her own. That’s all that should be said about the topic.


She can do all of those things, but she’s happiest when she’s at home surrounded by a family who loves her :heart:


I mean that’s what you’re advocating.
But republicans for a start. Ain’t even a strawman.

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Who isn’t? :roll_eyes:

Dang this toxic misandrist is STILL in here from last night? Nothing wrong with feminism until it gets to the point of being toxic misandry like ya girl Brightlance over here.


Right? It’s a wonderful thing that should be strived for, but for some reason when I point it out, the rabid harpies try to shame me for it


Not all men are masculine by default.

He is acting like he should. He’s always been a lightbringing pacifist.

He deals with trauma different.

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She’s like watching a train wreck, you don’t want to watch, but you can’t look away. Popcorn? :popcorn:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I am including men, of course.

Yes. Some of them are wusses like Anduin.