New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Infinite was still a great game.

I just couldn’t remember the name off the top of my head. Its been too long

Infinite was a different game style but it was still a blast. But I was also someone who genuinely enjoyed the ending.

In which case I hope the devs/writers keep doing what they’re doing.

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Hey guys.

We can take it as a W that they had to give the ladies beards just so they could mimic a fraction of our power.

:muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Maybe it is not about it being woke but them having the ability to ask for more hot male protagonist daddy figures without being called gay?

I will most likely get reported and banned for this but the truth hurts.


I fully support more Daddy D(enathrius’s). :melting_face:

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Idk, im digging Anduin’s new look. Looks like an adult finally, got some wear and tear. (Magni and Thrall haven’t changed. Well, I dont think Magni can actually change anyways)

I wouldn’t mind see a muscle bound 0iq guy for fun though. (Mainly to be the token guy and nothing more. They need serve no purpose, just throw them in somewhere)


Eehhhhh men have been on top for too long.

They can be on the bottom for a while.

And I’m tired of dudes crying great huge tears of blubbery sadness any time there’s more than one token female character in a game. Absolute fragility. You may have more in common with Anduin than you think, OP (at least Anduin is helpful).


Bro, compared to the androgynousness of DF, I’d rather have strong female leads. I am not a fan of the middle ground when it comes to gender representation unless you’re representing an AI or other synthetic intelligence, that doesn’t have a gender.

As much as I love the evoker, the whole race felt weird to me. But I’m also not a typical WoW player. I have scars, I’ve worked construction, I’ve touched grass most of my life.

No offense to the typical WoW player, I’m just going by what’s been described in this thread.

Wow man you’re just like baine! Have no backbone and gets upset at everything!

Aww, I love Baine! :heart_eyes:


There could be two female leads and people still cry about it. Lol


This is sad but true. Women exist, whether some men like it or not.


gets off the bench to finally say something

As a gay man, I’d like some hot male protaganists. Femme forces isn’t doing it for me.

Thank you for your attention. :vulcan_salute:


I’m an ally, and I support this.

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I do not think anyone is requesting only males. This is why these conversations can never really get worked through. It is disingenuous to claim that anyone who desires more variety or aggressive male representation does not what any female representation. It is not all or nothing. Extremes one way or the other is the actual problem. A new heroic good guy male character similar to Saurfang or Varian would be refreshing. There is not a single character like that in this game. Yet the last 3 expansions have had the same characters rinsed off and reused to be or replace new faction leaders and main quest givers.


Not trying to spoil stuff makes talking on this hard.

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I do think its abit one sided. Basically every important character in DF was female too.

Dont get me wrong i love well written female characters, but when every single new character is female its abit strange.


WoW has low T.