New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Ok prove it

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Ah but see a woman doesn’t exist outside of a ‘family’ in your head. You certainly are never going to complain about childless men. No, it’s just us greedy woman who don’t want to risk our lives to provide John Smith from accounting his “legacy” that are the problem.

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You have gone completely off the rails. Prove what life is about? Do you really think there is only one way to live you life? What a weird way to go about things. What a weird conversation and way to talk to people.

Vance? Is that you?


I’m sorry I don’t know if I got the same experience as you, but when I dropped out my mother’s legs I wasn’t met with a terms of service.

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Sorry couldn’t resist, it’s just so ridiculous.


Why is it wrong to shame people into behaving better?

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I’m sorry but no amount of “You stupid woman go get pregnant you freeloader” is going to convince me to un-bisalp myself lol

I do agree on better writing is needed. However, if it was better writing, we would not have such disproportion in the first place. Nor would the characters be defined by their gender. Or their disability. Which Faerin unfortunately where most of her character comes from. A black, disabled, broccoli hairstyled checkbox.

How is it going off the rails to ask you to justify your beliefs? What a load of cope


Raising children and housekeeping is a 16 hour a day ordeal, 7 days a week. Working a regular job is 40 hours a week.

Funny how you are trying to shove the more difficult work onto women as their “duty”, and you wonder why they aren’t always enthusiastic about it.


"You, JUSTIFY not reproducing for others to me >:( "

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To be fair I’d generally agree with “nobody cares as long as it’s good” in most cases, but in this case a lot of the people who say they want more male characters also don’t like Anduin because they say he’s “not masculine enough”.

We apparently need muscle-bound, sweaty manly man doing only the manliest and dirtiest of work on screen for it to be masculine.


So you believe there’s no such thing as morality, or what?

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Anduin is not the type of men we want to see front and simple. If I wanted to go watch a chick flick, I’d turn on netflix. WoW has become a soap opera for middle aged women.


Why does asking you to justify your beliefs send you into a blind fury?


I’m sorry but I don’t consider coerced breeding to be a moral. It’s more of a monstrous policy and any society that has to force its members to reproduce is one that has a moral imperative to be destroyed.


Because shame rarely works, and you don’t get to decide the right way for people to live their lives. What part of freedom don’t you understand?

You asked her to prove that women are not put on this earth to follow the “duties and obligations” you come up with. It’s a ridiculous thing to ask right up there with prove god doesn’t exist.

How about you prove that anything you are saying isn’t totally insane.


He is not.
He is written as a victim, not a hero.

Did we get a year of extreme close ups of Sylvanis crumbling and wincing?

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Dog, she lives in a state of blind rage that prevents her from even seeing how damaged she truly is. You’d get further conversing with a rock.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Looking at the thread’s current topic of choice like:

This is rhetorical. I know what happened here.