New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I just wish the game made me care about these characters.

The only strong opinion I have on any of them is wanting Faerin dead because of how she views dragons.


Bad fanfic writers!


I’m 100% in agreement. Bjork in “the Northman” was the Matriarchy we were promised, but the reality doesn’t match the picture on the box.

I also think there are SOME that have more promise, though, and haven’t gone deep into TWW, but I REALLY like the Machine Dwarf- I think Brinthe? I vote for her.

And as far as women go, I don’t mind, but where is Talanji? I choose her for Warchief. It doesn’t have to be men, it just needs to get a spine.

Well the same can be said for stories where the men are super strong and super macho. Fact is, people have flaws, we all do.

To me one of the reasons that Stephen King is such a good writer is that all his heroes have flaws and most of his villains have a weird sort of charm.

Just writing “men strong, women weak” is an an example of bad writing.

You should charge me rent with how much I’m occupying your head

The nuclear family is an entirely modern invention created by socioeconomic conditions in the mid 20th century of America. It has no historical basis, and functions as a way to isolate and partition off women and children to a single man who is capable of horrible things that he might not get away with if they weren’t a nuclear family and instead in a larger community.

It is yet just more patriarchy, and a particularly reactionary type of it too.

Hi I happen to be a biologist. The male-female brain differences are broad statistical trends and don’t amount to that many differences.

Large animals were also hunted by women, and women have fought in plenty of wars and conflicts. Do not mistake the fact that patriarchal agrarian societies reduced women to a type of a domestic labor livestock for actual trends. For most of human history, men and women did most things because labor is scarce and human sexual dimorphism is largely a fart in the wind.


Actually it dates further back than that. Paul Stookey, of Peter, Paul & Mary wrote a song called the “Wedding song” which is based on scripture that addresses this issue. The scriptures are from antiquity. The relevant part of the song goes:

“A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home
And they shall travel on to where the two shall be as one.”

It’s a concept dating back at least to Biblical times and probably earlier.


And vice versa.

But, Blizz is no stranger to pandering and have been doing it for years.

Some of the behavioural differences between men and women are more than 1 standard deviation. They can predict orientation toward technical STEM subjects from your fetal testosterone. This differentiates between masculine and feminine men, not just men and women.

Women may have occasionally fought in wars. I said basically always and was generalizing. Please explain which wars women fought in and what percentage of that military was female.


This person is viewing the world through a Marxist lens. I wouldn’t place too much value on their points of view.

Nuclear family, isn’t about isolation. It’s about acknowledging that both parents have duties and responsibilities to rear the children within the institution of marriage.

This notion that having a nuclear family means there’s no access to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc, is fearmongering nonsense. We’re not a tribal society. The fetishization of the left to bring us back hundreds of years to some “glory days” of extended families living under one roof living in poverty is not my idea of progress.


He is not implying he is a teen. He is saying he is acting like one. It’s called context.

I thought that would happen and was the reason I quoted the entire thing. I’m surprised they haven’t oppressed mine yet, hah.

QUICK somebody else quote it. Let’s keep it rolling. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

The institution of marriage. Which historically exists entirely for the capture and exploitation of women’s labor for the benefit of men.

Yes, settler colonialism had a fixation on splitting people up to occupy new stolen land.

That just sounds like you’re into eugenics for one. And secondly I cant give you statistical trends because we don’t exactly have data back then.

Some women fought in wars, yes. But society then largely reduced women down to their reproductive labor instead.

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Still better than being a curmudgeonly spinster, which I suspect a lot of leftist women have in common.


I never asked for a trend. I just asked for at least one reference sample. The language you use when talking about statistics makes me think that you don’t actually know anything about it. Nor do I believe that you are actually a biologist. lol. Maybe you have an undergrad degree in it.

I don’t know what I said to make you think I support eugenics either. Not everyone should have the same skill set. People having a variety of skills and personality traits is part of group evolution. You wouldn’t, for example, want Tom Brady to play every position on a football team. Nor would you want every person in a tribe to be the same for optimal productivity.


No thank you, I don’t think being little better than a broodmare is dignified. And it seems like everyone else is getting wiser to that fact.

WoW is on its modern day woke feminist run. Gotta cater to em.

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