New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

And not all people find happiness in acting like an animal and smashing hips together to make a kid. Being asexual I do not see the appeal of it.

I mean, pretty much every article ever written about ancient humans seem to agree that the males went out and hunted (and fought other humans), and the females took care of the young.

I mean, that’s how civilization got started in the first place.

But, fast-forward God-Knows-How-Long and we’re trying to tear down what built our society in the first place.

I have all kinds of compassion, however I call sin what it is.

All of the over-sexualization of everything in our society is poisoning our culture. There are parts of our culture, mostly the younger people, who think it’s the “in” thing to ring up a “body count” (sexually speaking). That’s a thing that a lot of young girls are doing.

Then they get a kid or three, and they’re 30, 40 and they end up whining that they can’t find a man when they finally deign to settle down and get married… nobody wants them. Gee, I wonder why.

So now we got a bunch of single women nobody wants because they ran around in their 20s instead of actually being a clean person that a guy would want.

And of course, guys aren’t immune either, because all of this sex that these girls are having, well, there’s a guy involved in it too.

And yes, I get it, there’s no easy way to solve it, at least, until we can get people to admit that what they are doing is wrong, and stop shunning and making fun of people who speak out against it.

It’s a hard truth and nobody wants to accept it because they prefer their fun, no matter the consequences.


You make a lot of good points. IMO, it comes down to the glorification of self and selfishness that has erupted out of the urban/metropolitan lifestyle that has been so encouraged by corporate greed.

People keep asking how to fix “society.” You fix society by fixing the nuclear family and restoring tranquility in the household. Everything else flows naturally from that.


Women would gather and in some cultures hunt small animals with, for example, blow darts. But, yeah, large animals were always hunted by men and physical conflict was basically always decided by men.

Denying inherent sex differences isn’t really tenable at this point. That’s a pretty regressive way of thinking in the intellectual context. They can image male and female brains and see that the male brain differentiates during development into what they call the male brain pattern and likewise for the female brain pattern. Men tend to be more conflict oriented, less neurotic, more competitive, and more systemizing in their personality and cognitive traits. The androgen, etc. receptors in the brain aren’t for mere decoration.

Don’t forget about the inordinate hedonism too.

Whether it’s greed, avarice, lust, people grow up with the mindset that they should be able to have whatever they want, when they want, and how they want it, and “NO” is very rarely a word spoken by themselves to themselves.

Denial of self is alien to most people these days.

Yes. There’s a movement underway to cheapen the traditional roles men and women provided in the family unit. That those roles/duties could be outsourced to social safety nets, community parenting via teachers, doctors, etc. Nothing can be further from the truth. No one cares for the child like a parent can. Handwaving parental rights and holding up examples of bad parents as an excuse to undermine the responsibility of the biological parents is mischievous at best and heinous at worst.

Instead of attempting to dissolve the nuclear family, social constructionists should be trying to restore it. This leads me to believe that their belief structures are flimsy and misguided.




Lemme guess, Inclusive of everyone except for straight white people, amirite?

To be honest? I’m fairly sure that some people that are in these positions are trying to tear down society on purpose because a lot of stuff they promote, a lot of stuff they champion, is so incredibly destructive to society that it almost seems like they are doing it on purpose knowing full well what this stuff is causing.

These people who have degrees and higher education… you’d think they know better but yet they keep doing bad stuff…

The only logical explanation is that they DO know better, and that’s why they’re doing it.

I get that goes into “conspiracy theorist” territory but c’mon, look at what they’re pushing these days. What other logical explanation could there be?


Also, I want to point out, that someone asked me to “have a little compassion”.

I feel genuine sorrow for these people, I really do. Not for the people instigating this, but the masses of people they deceive.

But… you can’t help someone who won’t accept help. These people are taught that their sorrows and their depressions are never their fault. It’s the patriarchal society. It’s the fascist government (even though we have the least fascist government that’s ever been made). It’s the boogey man. It’s the racists. It’s this, it’s that.

It’s never the choices they made.
It’s never their outlook on life.
It’s never their worldview.

You can’t help these people, because they refuse to see that they are the authors of their own problems. They’ve been programmed into putting the blame on absolutely everything except themselves.

They want handouts, they want the world to change, when it just doesn’t work like that.


“The Message”


Where’s the diversity ? The two examples you gave were friend groups of 3-4 people. This is an entire world.
I’m fine with female leads, but we’ve had nothing but female leads for 2 xpacks. I would have the same criticism if it was only male leads.


I’d say the last decade, the writing in general throughout western entertainment has been built heavily on denying inherent sex differences.

In a way, I’d say the difference between the type of writing we might get two decades ago setting up a female hero and the writing we get today is that the older style would set them up as an exception to a rule. (“Women don’t usually do this stuff or have an interest in doing it, but this one does!”)

Whereas the writing today would set that character up as emblematic of a new rule. (“It’s totally normal for a woman to do this, you should expect to see women in this role half the time.”)

Since the fantasy genre tends to be closely linked to pulling on people’s visions of history (especially how people view a medieval society), that new style tends to make the world feel a lot more fake, in a way that inserting magic and spells doesn’t. People accept magic and spells in fantasy with ease the way they accept advanced starship travel in Science Fiction. But changing the nature of the sexes across a society? It’s hard to make that feel natural to any plot.

The only exception is if subverting the sexes is itself part of the point of a story - so a plot about Amazonian women works, but in large part it only works if the Amazonian women are understood to inhabit a world where every other society works normally. The Night Elves in WarCraft 3 are a great example of this.


There are still lots of good female characters in media. Maybe not so much in the really blockbuster/mainstream shows like Marvel/Star Wars (I wouldn’t know). Off the top of my head, Charlotte from Babylon Berlin and Claire from Outlander are both very good female characters. There are lots in other shows as well.

The problem some writers have is they equate strong woman with masculine woman or a woman competently functioning in a masculine capacity, which is actually pretty misogynistic. I think to some extent it’s hard to make relevant and convincing female characters in WoW since it’s basically just about non-stop violent conflict, which isn’t exactly feminine domain. They’ve skirted around that by making them disproportionately magic users who typically use their magic for defensive or healing purposes, but recently they have been straying from that.

I also don’t buy the idea that anything goes in fantasy and that nothing should be considered jarring. If you were watching House of the Dragon and there was a random Taco Bell in King’s Landing, that would seem pretty out of place, Even if there was a dragon flying in the background in the same scene. Our brains still test for congruence and part of that is trying to reconcile the behaviour of the characters in the show with real life.


I don’t see the point of this topic, I couldn’t care less who the leads are as long as the story is good.

Also, thrall is a female yes well done

Anduin aswell, big female energy.


The guy with a pencil over his ear and an actual monocle tacked onto his spectacles?


They would have had to tattoo a giant L on his forehead to make him much worse.

Here’s the thing, I am not adverse to strong female leads, as long as they are well written, and that’s the problem WoW has, bad writing. Their strong female leads feel forced and fake. Now, I haven’t even seen the new content from TWW yet, and I won’t for a while yet. I don’t really care whether the leads in the expac are male or female as long as they are well written. If people can find something to identify with in the lead of a story, it won’t matter if they’re male or female, nor should it. Good writing sidelines everything else. WoW needs better story telling, and it is my sincere hope that it gets that in TWW.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I wish they would just say that with their whole chest then rather than whining that there’s too many women.

All of the manliest men characters that people love would never be caught dead endlessly whining on internet forums that there’s too many women on their screen. Just sayin’.

The irony lol


As long as the story is good, I dont care.

Alleria makes sense, she is the closest to the Void we have as ally. The writers want it that way it seems.

But those who criticize people wanting some male in the lead are as bad as those not wanting females in the lead. As usual, both ends are pretty terrible.

Watching Brightlance get thrashed repeatedly and by multiple people has been cathartic.


New xpack, all female leads?

“The degree to which a man is macho is inversely proportional to the strength of his ego.” - Author unknown.

I’m not sure but I believe this law dates back to antiquity

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Highly inaccurate take, but good try.

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