New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Are the leftist regimes in the room with us now?

I’ve never met a normal sociology professor. They’re typically unhappy leftist women.


Might you imagine them as unhappy because you yourself are unhappy and you struggle to picture happiness that doesn’t revolve around you?

No, because they are overweight cat moms that rant about how society is a patriarchy.


Khadgar got disenchanted. Anduin is acting like an angsty teenager and Thrall is just window dressing. None of these male characters have any real impact on the story and are merely there to advance the strong female leaders arcs.


Ah! Going the JD Vance route I see!

There’s nothing wrong with not having kids, having cats, and feeling disgust at how men systematically ruin the lives of women.

Like I said, I’ve never met a normal sociology professor. Only 2% identify as conservative. There’s something about the field that attracts weirdness. I suspect it’s about denial of truth that leads them to double down on pursuing the field and attempting to reprogram/fundamentally change society.


What does this have to do with the complaint about the lack of male characters in the expac?

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Hey, I was just happy to play a game that had female leads, female leaders and I got to play a female character.

Nothing as long as they are well done.

Because it feels forced. And DEI shoving… and also a bit woke as well


There’s nothing wrong with it if it’s a choice either.

Not every woman want to devote their life to the needs of little persons.

Some have bigger goals.

Some are self-aware enough to know they would be bad at it.

Some just don’t like little persons.

You don’t know that.

You have no idea what is the mind and heart of other people.

I agree that is the way to ruin.

But ignoring a biologic urge for a more fulfilling life is not the same thing.

And having children just to satisfy a biological urge is not a good reason to have children.

It’s pretty simple.

Because people are so indulged they have never learned healthy ways of coping when things aren’t all roses and sunshine.

Which goes back to certain people just being bad at parenting.

You crossed into the realm of bad faith here. If you are just trying to get a rise out of people, can you go to off topic? It is unnecessary and you just fuel the posters claiming WoW’s writing is in the toilet because of DEI/diversity. You make diversity sound like revenge, which is so backwards.


It doesn’t help that there are so many single mothers trying to raise a kid without the father present.

Children were meant to have both parents in their lives. When the father is absent, bad things happen to the kid’s mental state, and when they reach adulthood, they end up going down a bad path quite often.


This is one of those “common sense” claims that seem reasonable but actually defies reality once looked into further. One area you neglect to take into account is the relationship turmoil that may be present in two-parent homes. Parental conflict in two parent households is a good indicator of poorer well-being outcomes later in life. So the idea that merely having a father and mother as the one solution is simply not supported by the research or lived experiences. What does work? Better social safety nets and opportunity.


Maybe if two people didn’t get together and have kids because of lust and then end up fighting each other because they didn’t actually love one another, but rather they lusted after one another?

Some kids are born from extra-marital sex and then the two get a shotgun wedding, and after a year or two they figure out that they really hate each other and then they’re constantly fighting.

Maybe they should have, oh I don’t know, waited until marriage to have sex?

Oh, the horror. How dare I suggest that people deny themselves something they want because of the consequences?


Oh. Well, good luck with your puritanical beliefs and hindsight reproach. They don’t really help the children that exist because humans have libidos. Sure, you can assign blame, but it seemed like you cared about the outcome of the children. Guess not!


To be quite honest, there’s not a whole lot you can do about the children that already exist in single-mother homes and/or children that exist in homes where the parents hate each other.

They are sadly going to turn out bad, more often than not. You can try counseling, you can try helping them, but from articles I’ve seen and read, it doesn’t sound all that effective. But, I’m not against trying to help the children.


I’d rather we stop creating children under these kinds of conditions, that way there won’t be future children that have to go through this.


There are biological inputs as well as environmental ones. And there are some constants like the fact that men are much more involved in violence and war in every culture that has ever existed. This topic isn’t just sociological domain. That’s blank slate nonsense that isn’t taken seriously anymore.

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If wishes were horses then beggars would ride. The path to get where you think things ‘should be’ doesn’t exist without some more heinous harms along the way. I think the situation we have now is more manageable. And I leave my judgment at the door when it comes time to manage it. Preach whatever you will. Practice some compassion once in a while as well.