New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Y’know LOTR and Game of Thrones?
yes, the entire cast there.

I couldn’t name an Aragorn or a Ned Stark in WoW off the top of my head.

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Ew, go back to Twitter

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Ah it’s psychosexual neuroses all the way down. It’s just so tiring.

Wanting to have strong heroic selfless male characters ALONGSIDE cool unique well written female characters is pretty normal.

Like I said pls go back to Twitter with ur zoomer college campus brainrot


You can’t say you want that type of character… then show a video of Grom and Garrosh lol.

Leaping through the flames after deadlifting a tank to kill a demon lord that is about to enslave your people is the definition of heroic.

This is another example of a cool heroic male character:


Some of the idea in this thread are hilarious. Why don’t we have every male archetype from every major fantasy story every!

you should be asking why don’t we have parity for the 10 expansion we have had. It’s magic and dragons…who cares how much testosterone someone has.

Ah yes. War criminal senior and war criminal junior are sterling examples of heroes.

Yeah…to be fair, there’s nothing selfless or heroic about either of them. :sweat_smile: I suppose one could make the argument that Grom wanted to change the fate of his people by being the conqueror instead of the conquered, but since WoD’s story got cut in two to get Legion out the door, we’ll never get the full scope of it all.

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Yeah Varian is the perfect example of a selfless hero. So is Tirion fordring.

If you dislike these characters ur just weird.


I was sad when Varian died, but I was borderline depressed when they killed off Tirion. I loved that guy.

Varian is a warmonger. And also a king. I don’t like him for both reasons.

A lot them are, myself included. The ultra-feminine is a stereotype peddled by the media and men with not enough women in their lives. Women I know sit on a spectrum of behaviors, attitudes, aptitudes and interests, and it’s completely random what they’re into or how feminine they are.

In fact, given how Jackson’s LotR and vanilla WoW catapulted swordfights, fantasy and the like to pop culture status in the early 2000s, most women I know would not turn down a good game or a good movie with swordfights and fantasy. Just take a look at how popular BG3 is with women.


Interesting. What shooters and strategy games do you play?

I don’t deny that there are exceptions, but the majority of women aren’t interested in this stuff, and it isn’t because of media indoctrination. I’m also not talking about whether a behavior is feminine or not; instead, I’m talking about pure basic interest.

Yes, with. But would you watch it solely for that reason, or is it more about the story itself?

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Funnily enough for Blizzard’s promise of a “fist bump moment” in MoP, I found Varian’s death to be far more that than anything in MoP.

That man went out like an absolute boss.


The majority of people aren’t obsessing over lack of male representation in video games

Indeed, tbh a lot of the women I hang out with enjoy survival games. Which is all about conquest.

Oh, please, this “characters you can identify with” issue has been simmering for years.
If it applies to one group, it also applies to the other. Don’t be dishonest pls.


I started out with Quake, Unreal and Half Life. Unreal Tournament became my go-to because I loved the player-made maps. My favorite map had us all in this gigantic kitchen and bathroom with anti-gravity boots, haha. I also played the Delta Force, Mech Warrior and Tom Clancy games. I stopped playing FPS for a while to focus on WoW but then played hundreds of hours on Rainbow Six Siege and Fortnite. But the meta always sucks in that game so I play Chivalry II.

I played AoE II a lot. Couldn’t get into the later games because of the restrictions on where the town centers could be placed. After a while I realized that RTS weren’t for me because the meta is so reliant on the exact minute and second you hunt your first boar, for example. I play the Total War games instead now.

BG3 is fun. I like WoW, of course. I sometimes play EQ2 if I want an MMO game with better lore. Need to go back to Quake on Steam for the updated achievements and the old Jedi Knight games.


“Nooo stop noticing!”