New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Yet you tell people to read feminist literature…which DEFINITELY isn’t biased at all. But I guarantee any and all of your feminist arguments come from that. Maybe you should find better sources?


I understand that a lot of men might feel marginalized in today’s society, but is a video game forum the right medium to express your frustration?

The originally post is a thinly veiled rant at modern society, not having anything to do with World of Warcraft.

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Copper, spare yourself. Brightlance is a damaged, bitter misandrist of the foulest kind; incapable of seeing reason beyond her own contempt. So determined is she to see malevolence in all men that she is blinded to just how malevolent of an actor she herself is. Leave her to her misery.


I gave up on them I don’t think they have a leg to stand on anymore. They stated men are the only abusers of woman. As if there hasn’t ever been a woman to abuse a woman. I’m sure those news papers about the mothers doing awful things to their children even their female ones are all wrong. -eyerolls- But don’t worry, the female gender doesn’t abuse at all. That never happens. because it don’t fit her pretty little picture of a narrative.


This is the exact place to express our frustration with the way WoW is being written and directed. Thats my only beef. I am not talking about anything more than WoW. It breaks immersion when only women are the leading characters.


The original post? What do you mean it doesn’t have anything to do with WoW? The title is literally “New xpack, all female leads?” The EXPANSION for what game? World. Of. Warcraft.

At this point in the thread this is really all I got:


What part of “thinly veiled” don’t you understand?

I’m referring to the last part of your sentence. What part of that do you not understand?

They literally only mention something about world of warcraft and nothing else tho? It is perfectly within the rules and this is the general forums as well.

Interpretation does not equal intent. They said all the story note leaders are all female and that Anduin is not doing much and only being sad right now. They want more bois duking it out in this new war we find our heros thrust into and I 100% agree!


You misunderstand, I’m afraid.

The problem isn’t too many women; the problem is too many women leaders. These alleged ‘alpha male’ players wouldn’t be upset if Calia, Moira, Jaina, Alleria, et al. would just get back in the kitchen where they belong.

My last gif is a lie. I do actually have gifs for this.

The language on them is just such that I have to be tactical about using them, because once I do I probably wont be allowed to use any more.

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To be honest, this is the part of the thread I feel like its a good idea to bail. After this point these things tend to become report fests and who knows how automated their system is these days.

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I’m not saying anyone is breaking any rules, but don’t kid yourself. It’s a troll post, nothing more.

It’s hard to say nowadays. The line between trolling and genuinely believing what one says grows increasingly blurrier by the day.

I’m contemplating if I should go to bed or play Deadlock, since I got a beta invite and that’s now finished downloading.

WoW has been a girl power expansion since BFA.

Were sick of it.