New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I like Anduin but lets be real here, neither of them are masculine. OP is right, too much feelings and not enough Warcraft. Im tired of characters talking about their emotions. If I wanna see that il just put on the Notebook or whatever.


Men in society provide security to women like mosquitos provide us protection from iron poisoning

Right and don’t hurt yourself with your own War Within that only you deal with…the struggle of your single brain cell wondering if it’s time for you to drool or touch yourself. :slight_smile:

My childhood heros were Yusuke Urameshi and Usagi Tsukino. Am I a bad person as well?

Also there are plenty of women in the trades, and women upkeeping everything too. I’m a proud prole too you know

You know, blanket statements are almost always wrong.


Demonstrandum est, ideo dimittitur.

Do you really think that society, ESPECIALLY infrastructure and security, would exist without men? Women upkeep everything too? Now you’re just kidding yourself.


It is a blanket statement because men are the blanket perpetrators of sexual assault and harassment of women.

I do not see how my statement was confusing at all. Both were great characters of great shows.

No? I’m just telling you that you aren’t as important as you gas yourself up to be

Limitations of gifs I suppose. I was mostly saying I have no idea who either of those characters are.

Some strong men do take advantage of others but not all. King Varian was a strong man, but not an evil one. Same with Thrall. Bolvar too. But then, of course WoW is filled with evil men characters - and I like that.

Since BFA, we have really gotten mainly women in positions of power and noteriesty. Thats fine, until the scale becomes as tilted as it is at present.

Bring back my strong King Varian. Anduin is not it.

Are they now, pretty sure there is some statics about abuse in same sex relationships, and even assault of various types. Men are not the only ones that abuse women. Look I get it, you hate men. But can we not push this narrative, it’s pretty wrong.


I wish I could post images but I am not a good boy on these forms most of the time.

Sailor Moon and Yu Yu Hakusho. That was my childhood! :smiley:

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Honestly I’m kind of surprised that I’m still allowed to do it.

Ah yes that… You know I’ve never gotten a source about this perported lesbian abuse thing people go on about

Even if the “More” part of that reported statistic is wrong, if even 1 lesbian abused another woman then your statement of men being the “Blanket perpetrators” is patently false. It sure is a pretty narrative though.


Ya this is actually sexist and the devs should probably have some sort of legal punishment.