New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I mean we’re fighting a war for the fate of the planet against an eldritch god. Explain to me how it gets more hardcore than that?

How are we “being soft” here?

I don’t know about that. There is an issue with cancel culture currently, it’s kinda weird but it seems to be a rather big push to include others by excluding what they see as the enemy. It’s kind of ridicules if you ask me. I think you are in error to think someone doesn’t value equality simply because they don’t like a group of people trying to squash other peoples voices. In a world of equality every voice is heard, even those we do not like, agree with, or think or even are bad points of view.

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In the interest of fairness, I will post a few gifs in actual support of more war:

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Everything is too campy and you know it! Also, women run everything. Bring back the men. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Honestly I never noticed. Does it matter that much?

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It brings me joy that you lost the things you believe you lost and that you’ll never get them back.

That’s the story you’d prefer them to tell and you’re not right or wrong to want that. It’s just your desire. Question though: if that’s the path they do take, but it’s ham-fisted, cartoonish, inane, or whatnot, is that going to satisfy you? Or does the quality of the story they tell also matter? I think it does. And that’s why I think asking for a direction for the story to take is misguided. Quality and excellence contribute to our enjoyment as much as the theme. As long as the first two are in abundance, you’re merely quibbling about your tastes going unserved.

That does not require a justification for “how the world of warcraft is” either. Many stories can be told in this universe, some aligning to your desire for a certain theme, others aligning elsewhere. Gather ye rosebuds while (and where) ye may.

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And the sociopath reveals itself from behind the mask. I weep for those who know you in real life.


Why does it matter? It’s a computer game. Or are you somehow relating this to your RL issues.

It’s a real shame what happened to Rooster Teeth.

Though I guess RvB probably should have ended a while ago anyway.

Where is the war and where is the eldritch god? its rly a bad way to make something so high stakes and it doesn’t reflect well in the game

Hardcore is wrath of the lich king, Cata, hell, even MOP was hardcore as hell with the pandas

The starting quests from alliance and horde were fire. Alliance gunning down soldiers who surrendered, blowing horde ship, horde taking their base and gunning then down as well

Wow need to be tuned down in the stakes, less world ending threats more regional conflicts against other small forces


It’s funny how she talked about others viewing life through their own lens but all of her hate for the military and probably men in general happened from an event that didn’t even happen to her. From her own words.


Yeah, they lost me after a while, but the earlier seasons were some of the best entertainment I’d ever had the pleasure of witnessing.

There has been an undeniable turn in WoW. It has gotten, “softer” for a lack of better term. Everything is about unity and friendship.

I am exaggerating of course because there are moments, but as a whole, the game feels less old Warcraft and more moden Blizzard.


It don’t matter what someone looks like or what kind of person they are. Excluding ANYONE for ANY nonsense reason is dumb af. We have struggled for a long time in this country to give colored people and women real representation and rights and now all that effort is being tossed away by insecure people wanting to get praise and be seen as heros by coming in and saving all these “poor innocent people” on their valiant steeds.