New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

The world has changed in the last 30-40 years. People can choose to adapt, or they cannot. That’s ultimately their choice.

So if you keep hearing ‘sphere’ when discussing Earth, that means it’s just people who aren’t thinking for themselves and reading from the spheroid earth conspiracy script? :thinking:

You didn’t know about this? Why do you think “masculinity” is so associated with having big expensive material possessions to peacock with?

It’s all just marketing at the end of the day.

Some people just want more manly men in the game. Sweaty, musclely, shirtless men. Doing manly man stuff and working hard.


Men have always bragged to other men about the size of whatever the latest thing is, be it home, car, how far one can throw a ball, how high on can jump, etc.

This is embedded in many men. It has lttle do to do with marketing. Competition among men goes back to the stone ages.

Bring back the manliness to Wow!


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Even I can appreciate that myself. I just think a lot of people find it difficult to keep up with the times.

Could you give me a list of said feminist literature please? Energy costs are pretty expensive right now so I’d like to know which books would be worth burning for fuel to give some worth to the poor trees that were wasted on them.


Thats a rly bad take, that can lead to a lot of bad routes

but either way, the last 40-30 years stuff still rock, its no surprise new people still dig in to old movies and music, and even older, lord of the rings is 70 years, old Conan the barbarian is 90 years old

Maybe you are the one who should adapt, cause many things stood the test of time and will long last after you and me pass

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So you agree “masculinity” is just men peacocking about how they’re totally better than others?

I’ve adapted just fine but I appreciate the concern.

Honestly I just wanted to link that gif.

My general stance on this topic is “I’d like to have more well written men, and characters in general, but some people always gotta get really weird about having that opinion”.

Otherwise I’m just here to be silly, cause trying to have an actual discussion is pointless.

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I might be wrong, but it seems like you’re here in bad faith with a closed mind.



All the comments about Disney and wokecraft and weak men don’t sound like a script at all!

Also, they weren’t wrong. Watching a completely unmasculine person like Asmongold complain about the lack of masculinity in WoW (then his drones come here to regurgitate his talking points) because it doesn’t match his idea of what media told him it was growing up is peak hilarity. The people chirping the most about it know nothing of it in their own lives



Its more than that.

Warcraft is a roleplaying game about War / mortal combat / surviving a harsh and unforgiving world.

Our characters fight and kill. I want the game to look like / reflect what the circumstances are in-game. Its gotten too soft, too weak.

I have no problem with women in power in WoW, but the characters have to align with the facts of the world: We are constantly at war. Enough with the soft crap. Bring back the grit. Make the quests and characters have a darker tone.


Please refer back to my post about the dichotomy branded onto the psyches of the WoW writing team.

People who truly value equality don’t used phrases like “inclusivity cancer culture”.


Equality for them is whatever preserves the status quo because nothing could possibly go wrong with society stagnating or going backwards… :thinking:

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I might be wrong, but it seems like you completely missed everything else I said about the actual topic before the crazy feminist attacked a Marine for being a Marine.