New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It was never funny to begin with either. Hopefully they don’t have any plans to pursue a career as a comedian.

And whats wrong with that?

you people like to claim about diversity and inclusion but are quickly to vilanize, mock and denegrate people and their stuff because you don’t like or do not share any of it

He-man was a wonderful show for kids, a big manly dude using a barbarian outfit being a hero, fighting villains with the power of greykull doing good and teaching kids at the end of the episode valuable morals and lessons.

Those are things you carry on for your life and teach your kids, there is nothing wrong in character like that, but more mature for wow, Thrall, cairne, Rexxar, hell even Grom with his sacrifice were examples of characters like that back in wc3

Don’t try to mock a kid’s show or toys while playing a “kids” game


Question. How old were you in the 90s? Was the media actually good or are you looking at it through the lens of being much younger and much more easily impressed?

No, you’ve just become too cynical and jaded to enjoy things outside your very narrowly defined parameters of what is good.

WoW has always had strong female characters, it didn’t just start yesterday. Also, the men didn’t go anywhere.

The expansion hasn’t even officially come out yet for some of us, could you at least maybe let them establish the new stuff and give it a minute to set stuff up for a future content patch before writing off the entire expansion?

Who do you think made the game to begin with, mad max? lol

Everything is relative. Everything is cooler when youre a kid.

It was a show designed to sell toys, and host advertisements to get parents to buy stuff for their kids. Please stop pretending as if it was any deeper than that.


The definition of masculinity has also changed a bit through the years. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying these things as kids, or even as adults, but I think there has been a very noticeable shift in what the word “masculine” means. It’s no longer just about big muscles, though that does still play a part. The 80s and 90s were a completely different world compared to now.

To be honest, I found media in the 90s more entertaining. There was a lot more edge and a lot less fear of saying the wrong thing. I feel like there was more creative freedom, and less creators feeling forced to write in specific ways or risk the wrath of twitter.


The artwork, audio, and setting were all cool. Lighten up, pal.

The notion of masculinity that some men freak out about now is an entirely fabricated identity born out of consumerism mixed with the rot of patriarchy. It’s almost entirely ahistorical, except for the whole gassing men up to go die in war for the benefit of their rulers.

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Just to let you all know, Jack Black is what peak masculinity looks like and what we need more of in the game:


LMAO there it is. Called it earlier. I was waiting for you to bring in the patriarchy comment. It’s almost like you feminists can’t think for yourselves and all read from the same script.


“Creative freedom” and it’s just being able to be discriminatory without as much societal pushback.

I for one don’t miss the 20 billion sitcoms that used queer people as a punchline.

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What the hell…

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so? wow story was designed to sell the game and subscription, stop pretending it was any deeper than that.

Maybe you didn’t watch, or you are to young, but you are being obvlious to the cultural impact that had around the world, it was deep and people liked.

We should shift back then, or, better, don’t pretend those were not masculine and use both

Sure its not just about big muscles, but it CAN be about big muscles as well, and thats the key part, having both.

Once you start shifting too much, it just stop being the thing it used to be, or how they say these days, if you subvert the expectations too much, it become the norm, cause you already expect the subversion


Well, yeah. There is a common body of feminist literature. Might be you should read some.

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It’s an actual mental illness bro.

Yes we have made progress from stuff like that. HOWEVER this whole “inclusivity” cancer culture going now is only bringing back that problem, only swinging it the other way around instead. All people are equal!

Also Gi Joe, Transformers, He-Man, all great shows! My favs though were Yu Yu Hakusho and Sailor Moon.

Also also regarding the topic of this thread. Blizz remember your big strong and smart bois and remember the Horde! Do not leave us forgotten forever!

And yet, your fine with cis men being the punchline. Odd that.

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