New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Baelgrim WAS male, yes. We will see if Merrix is a heel…I suspect he is.

I think you are exaggerating things because I am playing access and no males are being kicked around. All of the ladies in wow are portrayed as very respectful towards males or the boys in the game.

The age of men is… Say it with me.

OVER chud.

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Merrix is badass. Love his character.

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There’s a guy who had a worm in his brain, and it ate part of his brain and then died, and the found it in an MRI, and the guy ended up fine, mostly. Even ran for President, though he dropped out and endorsed someone else who also had survived brain worms.

Just goes to show how far you can go with worms in your brain.

Never give up.

That was justified cause at the time metzen wanted to retire from blizzard so it made sense why varian had to die

Your gotcha failed


What gotcha? It was a joke.

Edit: how on Earth was what I said even possible to be a gotcha??

This argument is softer then the guy who lost half his brain and still loved.

Literal half of it.
Like the left side.

Blizzard has learned through Overwatch that female characters increase engagement and therefor revenue because of obvious reasons.

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I miss varian…


I used to. Then they added him to HotS and I hope King Chin stays away from me.

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I’m assuming all of this makes you feel better about the guy that can’t remember his own name and has a 2 PM pudding and nap schedule?


Colossus smash.wav

This is just blizzard trying to show everyone they’re not the cubicle crawling cespool they once were and women are welcome to work at their company.

Is it forced? Yes.


Oh! Oh! Let me try! Is he also the one that somehow told us he ain’t dropping and then he did! And somehow the other party is ok with someone who NEVER had any votes in their 2020 primaries?


He so scary!@@ He pops up and just swings his swords and nothing stops him!@@11 :scream:

I see dead people


I don’t mind a variety of characters, but the lack of a properly masculine character who has a tendency to solve problems with fists, axes and swords is a bit annoying.

And apparently the Orcs are out of properly orc-y orcs.


Are you ignoring Magni, Anduin, Thrall, the beardless dwarf and probably more from this expansion?


Hopefully we will look back on the current cast and say the same thing some day soon.