New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

No one is saying why have ANY female lead. No one is saying that.


As opposed to the reverse?

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Forget whatever is or isn’t in their pants, have the Alliance leaders stopped acting like complete morons?

Anduin and Genn attacking Lordaeron and then not having an answer to the plague is one of the moments of all time.


Meds, now.


Those characters are not central to the story of TWW. They are not leaders of the newly introduced factions. They are not the main quest givers. Most of them are in secondary positions. Magni will likely not reclaim the throne now that he is returned to normal.


And this is why we need insane asylums again…


He’s sad

He left

Gotten soft

hes dead

That’s from dragon flight content who aren’t even in TWW

Plus umbric doesn’t even do anything except the one time in bfa


I dont know what you are talking about but we are talking about what makes sense in the story and lore. And lore wise it doesnt make sense to have a male lead for those factions unless you are trying to force diversity and inclusion into the game. I wouldnt mind for having male characters when the story makes sense to have males in them.


There’s datamined info that he’s in a wheelchair.

If were talking earthen story lead character, for the isle of dorn is was baelgrim who was male.

But if youre on about their leader as a faction, its merrix who is a male.

So the earthen are doing fine with male rep imo


Someone didn’t get early access


All media has been like this for ages. This ain’t new.


I’m not arguing it, I’m just clarifying the argument of ‘there a female lead why? Equality? Woke? What reason? But what if question reversed’ being presented.

If there’s not a body, then it doesn’t count!

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and they killed him off because we can’t have badass men. I actually liked his character until he just died for no reason


Quite a few of my Female and gay friends have been complaining about this for some time now… They want their: “Big sweety strong men back or at least some of them to have that theme” as they say.

I’m ok with all females as long as the story is good… if the story is not good and it breaks my immersion I’ll just continue with my own head canon as long as the game allows it, if not then I’ll just move on to something else, However… even if I AM aware of a pattern in the storytelling after…ehem …certain events in Blizz…

There is a LOT of love and team effort put into this… and I can still appreciate that so I’ll just say this is just the start of the Story guys just let the expansion cook a bit more… we still have sooo much story left, GIVE IT A CHANCE!

Also to the Blizz team I love your new trailer about the Warbands and all your doing so far… I appreciate what you as a team has done. SO thanks!

And with that let me grab my popcorn and drink and enjoy another daily dose of GD!
:cup_with_straw::laughing: :popcorn:

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Oh great they’re going THAT route with him.

Fantastic. Khadgar is getting his Bran the Broken pity arc.


Yeah it was a bit of a bummer that…

Don’t do Broken Shore intro, you might be upset.

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Maybe or maybe not.
It’s only a possibility.

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