New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)


I find it funny most of their perceptions of manliness comes from toys that were advertised to them as kids.


Were talking about characters in a videogame…

How petty and small of you. These are our actual opinions of the direction of the game.


Like, is that really what this thread is about anymore?


wait dont go.
gus is here.


I can only speak for myself. Yes, I am talking about how WoW isnt manly enough now. I want more male characters. More bad a$$ stuff in the game. WoW has gotten soft and pastel. IM SICK OF IT.


Yeah, Anduin did it to me in MOP. So sad too bad Anduin what goes around comes around. No Pity for you.

(Yes, that was sarcasm)

Hey, you said you grew up on manly stuff like He-Man right? Remind me again what prince adam used to wear?

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Don’t let these women bully you all.

Bring back our bois!

It could always go super soft.

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Even though I may not agree will all this men/women ratio stuff, I will agree that I would most definitely like more war in my warcraft. Dirty, filthy, ugly and brutal… WAR.

If we are going to turn WoW into a soap opera, it may as well be WWE wrestling, not the Young and the Restless.

Why are you offended simply because I want WoW to be more gritty…

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Grittiness for the sake of grittiness gets you mediocrity like Game of Thrones.

#1) Game of Thrones was good until the last few seasons.
#2) GoT had a good mix of male and female characters of all types.

Yes! Big thick orc and tauren bois ripping their enemies in half and leading the charge into battle, just like the good old days!

Bring back our bois!
Bring back the Horde!


Instead of cool battles and war you get quests to cleanup oil…oh I’m sorry…wax spills and play with orphans.

It was a mediocre series with enough needless violence and sex to capture people’s attention with a threadbare plot to tie it all together so they could pretend it was something deeper than ‘me want to be biggest ape on chair’.