New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

If that is what you got from what I said, then you might be one of those men I was talking about.

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I’m curious, is it only the ratio of men to women that bothers you, or are there other ratios in this game that irritate you as well?

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And you mean one day a bunch of greedy rich people will drag us into a war and we proles should go and die for them because… nation nation something.

Maybe if the US actually did anything for its citizens I could see it, but unless you’re a Fortune 500 owner you ain’t got reason to so much as get a papercut in service for this country.

Are we still talking about World of Warcraft in this thread or the U.S. military?

I was getting tired of Anduin by the end of Hallowfall. I get it, you got MCd and…did he kill anyone? He stabbed that one girl but she lived. But jfc he just kept going on. Like people are dying around you, we ask you to call on the light and you’re just like “No, maybe you can find another way?”

Also I can see what Blizz is trying to do with his story, the whole airship leaving and he jumps off to sacrifice himself, the whole I’m not worthy to rule because I was “someone else” for a while, just stop. You’re not that clever Blizz.

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i must tactically deploy this gus.

I shall await and join you in the tactical deployment.


This entire thread is mostly just weird men complaining that there are women characters in prominent positions instead of men. It deserves to be derailed then scuttled off the board.


Think we’ve found Ben Shapiro’s WoW character.

Or maybe if someone decides to invade us which you probably don’t think would ever happen. Sure chances are low but if people came here to…do bad things to our citizens I’m saying that I’m glad there are people who would defend us. Because we certainly couldn’t count on people like you. But I guarantee you’ll be THE FIRST hoping the Marines or cops show up to your house when someone is dragging you out of it.


It is a big deal. Has anyone stripped away your autonomy before? It’s not something you just bounce back from easily.

I’m not doing this whole back and forth thing.

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I think we found Hassan’s Wow character. Or Destiny. See how easy that is?

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If you were actually worried about not doing that you wouldn’t be posting on a public forum. :sweat_smile:

Who is going to ground invade us? All of our national enemies are across the sea, and I don’t know if you know this, but logistics over the sea is a very sucky endeavor.

If you want to complain about RL war politics can you do it somewhere else please?

Now let’s get back to WarCRAFT politics.
Blizz please give us some big strong and smart bois to rally behind, especially on the horde side. Do not forget about us!

Wait, that’s a woman? How’d I miss that? However, you’re right, I had options, an academic scholarship in fact, but I wanted to be a Marine. Because when I joined, you still had to be hard as nails to get through boot camp, and have the intestinal fortitude of a rabid wolverine/honey badger crossbreed to survive all the other training I went through. You had to be all go no quit ready to go cajones out in a heart beat if need be tough. That’s the kind of male characters I’d like to see written in WoW.

Alas, we won’t see them with these writers they just don’t have the chops for it, or the desire really. Have you seen the world lately? Everyone wants men to get in touch with their softer side. Hey, I have a softer side, I married her. Of course, I had to storm Kiev to get her safely back to the states when this whole Ukraine fracas kicked off, and that’s where all that training, and all the hell I went trough in the Corps paid off. I finally got my happy ever after. She’s in the kitchen right now, stirring the marinara sauce so it doesn’t scorch. My recipe of course, she still won’t let me touch it though. The SAUCE you pervs, I know what you were thinking! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


You’re dense. I even said chances are low. You missed the point. The bottom line is you trash talk the people that would actually do anything but at the same time would expect them to if it happened. Is that better for you to understand? We get it you hate the military and your logic and ability to contemplate hypotheticals is non-existent so I’ll just leave it at that. I’m going to focus on the topic again. Have a good night!


Not manly enough. You shoulda been out tilling the fields, not sitting on the sofa eating cereal and watching cartoons like a layabout.


I don’t expect them to lol. If you wanna die for the USA that’s your prerogative.