New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Men who are a little or majorly fruity are much more tolerable than the ones who obsess over whether or not they’re “manly” enough.

That happens quite a bit, but when I was single, I would have taken them both home, just to be fair. Wouldn’t want to exclude anyone. And who are you talking about?

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I just ignored the whole show since it gave me vibes of “this probably wont be very good”, and I’m not invested enough in Star Wars to give it a shot regardless of that.

As to my gif, Deadpool & Wolverine was a fun movie though.

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Just found more…general steelstrike (female)…not evil (so far). But another evil male. This Aeleric dude. Another male character to add to the evil list and another female hero. The list keeps building.


Imagine hating on all marrines instead of being thankful that we have a system in place that does not force you to be the one holding the rifle instead because of willing volunteers like our boy Zeerionjax here.


I think there are some men in this thread who had fathers that punished them for doing things considered too “feminine”, and this has created issues for them in adulthood.

The irony is that most of these fictional examples of men mentioned would not be caught dead posting on an online forum complaining about the “state of manhood” in a video game.


I have never heard it put quite that way, but then I didn’t do what I did to be thanked for it either. I’m proud that I served, proud to have earned the title of US Marine, and thankful for the support of the honest, taxpaying US citizens, without which myself and my fellow Marines would have died many years ago.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Ah yes I should be thankful that people willingly went out to undersell their labor and kill people for the sake of Lockheed Martin and Exxon instead of being forced to.

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Most of the people signing up for that being individuals from impoverished areas who don’t see much else of an escape unless they sell their bodies and soul to the government.

I was raised in such a place and those recruiters were mad scummy

Turning away from this thread for 10 minutes and looking back like:


Garrosh is actually funny. He’s a genuinely evil character who doesn’t care. Virtually every scene he was in was better because he was there.

Anduin’s repeating a plot arc he already had, with a dash of ED and a character who never existed with a group of people who never existed so that we could get a human-ish faction written by people who have absolutely no idea what horrifying implications dovetail around a group of people who inter-bred with high elves in isolation for about ~2800 years. Lets just say they’d be moving down south and rubbing shoulders with the Habsburgs.

Velen’s sitting in the green room wondering when it’s his turn to be relevant to the plot. It’s not like he’s the guy who probably has the deepest understanding of the Light out of anyone on Azeroth and has already dealt with Na’aru going void-y.

Muradin’s also sitting in the green room wondering why no one tapped his should when they tapped his two brothers and niece. He’s done nothing since BFA and he’s done absolutely nothing of value since uh… Wrath? But I’m sure he just needs to be patient.

And Thrall basically doesn’t exist. Maybe it’s an Alliance / Horde thing but I haven’t actually seen him since he squirreled away to go rally the Horde.

Most of this stinks of the same people who made Dragonflight’s writing a mess still having the reigns for some reason. Probably because by the time they realized this writing is bad, most of it was already done for Warfin, and good luck getting Microsoft to pay for re-writes.

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No one is asking for that. Dont try and simplify things to make a weak point.

People die in war. It sucks but welcome to the real world, this is not twitter.

Anyways back on topic…
I want… no I NEED some big male energy and BIG male leads to return to our world of WARcraft. Please Blizz remember that the horde still exists and give us some topless beefy heros to battle the void lords with!!


Some of us grew up on He-Man and GI Joe. We like manly sh*t, ok? I dont mind a good mix but WoW hasnt had a good mix of men and women for years now. Its been girl power for multiple expansions. WERE SICK OF IT.


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And there are those that signed up that had choices and still did it for their country. I know that’s a foreign concept to you…you being a man hating/military hating feminist and all. But my point still stands. Yes you should be thankful that people sign up and join regardless of their reasons because one day conflict will happen and we can’t expect people like you to do anything if that happens. Funny how we were on topic for the video game and one guy mentions he was a Marine and you completely derail it because you hate them so much.


i will gus up this thread.

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Sounds like you have issues with men being masculine in general.


He could also just not constantly peacock about how he was a jarhead

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