New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Yeah I could get behind “I’d like better writing in general” and “We could use more male heroes”. I’d even agree with LotR being a good example of well written men(and just good writing in general) that somebody else brought up.

but then somebody always has to be weird about it and turn it into some stupid political thing.


Yea, I mean I wouldn’t call him down to earth but basicly what you said and a little rough around the edges. Snarky, quippy, and a mean streak. Willing to fight for what is his and won’t take no gruff from no one.

Right I don’t even disagree with that either, I love Lord of the Rings and the male characters in it. But these threads keep being made every expansion about there being too many female characters, not enough male characters that people like, and then no one ever suggests what kind of male characters they’d like to see. It happened in Dragonflight as well.

Let’s actually suggest what kind of male characters people wanna see, and not just say “there’s too many women, more manly men” and just leave it at that. “Manly men” is too vague of a term for any writer to know what you’re talking about.

Not really the term “Manly Man” is pretty stereotypical and tends to have a pretty precise meaning. I’m not fond of the term myself because it implies your not a man if you don’t have those traits. But it is still pretty obvious what it means.

Oh here’s another…almost all of the males are villains too. Which leads me to yet another example…the High Speaker dude being evil and then replaced by a female as high speaker. I mean the list goes on. This entire expansion is a complete feminist takeover lmao. I’m imagining the room where the writers meet up is just a table full of blue haired men and women who like to start the day with phrases such as “don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee” and all of that jazz.


Personally I don’t think the threads would accomplish much either way.

Even if somebody made a well reasoned thread talking about what kind of male characters they’d like to see more of in the game, within about 5 replies you’d get somebody going “We’re never gonna get that because of (insert group they want to villainize here)”.

Which would derail the whole thing into the stupid politics.

Though I’m pretty open that I’m mainly in these threads because I enjoy watching the trainwreck and posting silly gifs. I don’t think anything is ever actually going to get done in these discussions. The forums have shown they just can’t handle them.

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They’re all characters who took no crap from anyone, were hard as nails, did what needed to be done even when it was ugly, and absolutely never gave up or wallowed in self pity. Except for the Punisher, he definitely felt sorry for himself. If you didn’t already know all that about those few I named, you definitely need to expand your cinematic horizons. Hell, you might enjoy yourself a little in the bargain. :cowboy_hat_face:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I think it’s definitely up for personal interpretation and is way too vague IMO. I don’t have any idea what it means. Is Gandalf a manly man? Is Gimli a manly man? Is Samwise a manly man? To me, they’re all “manly men” in their own ways and I could describe their qualities and personalities that make them that way, but they’re all very different from each other.

Bring back the MEN. Men wage war. Men conquered. At least make it like Game of Thrones where there is a healthy mix. The last few expansions has been all women leads everywhere! Im sick of it!


The idea of fighting the Alliance with Sylvanas in charge was intriguing.

And then… they just didn’t have her in the story, at all. So the opportunity was thrown away.

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To be honest Sylvanas was more of a “Manly Man” then most male leads in the game currently. She knew what she wanted, she set out to get it done damn the consequences, and wasn’t about to take crap from nobody. I find it fascinating that people hated her so much cause she kinda is what people are asking for but she was a female.

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The Punisher is a horrible person, a psychopathic vigilante that just enjoys murdering people he deems unworthy. He doesn’t actually do anything to eliminate the material conditions that overwhelmingly lead to crimes. He throws his entire remaining life away in pursuit of inflicting more violence upon others and ensuring more violence will happen because of his actions, he’s pathetic.

Yes yes you’re very strong and masculine. Please quit pant-hooting to everyone about how men should fight and conquer. It’s boring and entirely fabricated.

I don’t really care, the character is about as hard as a man can get, good or bad, he’s an example of what a “bada$$” should be.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Thats what modern twitter would say about the character, being in essence, wrong about it and missing the point of it entirelly


and I shall now return to my regularly scheduled silliness. We need more of the manliest man to ever man.


I think we just want some solid characters who put the war back in Warcraft.

Without looking into the spoilers in depth its just sounding generic and terrible.

One of the best bits from the original Civil War comic series (which, for those who haven’t read it, is nothing like the movie) is when The Punisher offers to join Captain America’s underground, and this is their reaction:


I’m all for equality. As long as the story is good and characters are interesting I’m a happy sub. I am working my way through the first TWW zone and so far all the major questlines and hubs are the female earthen. The 1 male earthen who was butthurt about a woman leaving his squad was dressed down in front of the village and forced to apologize. I never would have noticed if I hadn’t come upon this thread.

So, a badass is some traumatized man incapable of handling his own emotions and so goes around murdering people because that’s easier than simply grieving and moving on?

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