New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Then you have your answer. Those men. That’s what I want.

Which men? What about their personalities and character do you like?

In fairness it’s the beginning of the expansion I mean the first raids haven’t even come out yet.

I haven’t gone through the whole Is campaign yet I just got To the second area Seems like it’s going to focus a little bit more on magny.

Still though I’m not going to deny We need some new Strong mail leads Don’t give me wrong I do hope to give andwin.

His Growth that he Needs to become the King we all want him to be And you know throws there.

But ever since variant died I guess you could say terrelion but yeah We do need some more strong male characters too.

I’m hoping they start to introduce some of those Is later on in the war because yeah it Feels a little bit heavy on the girl side.

Don’t get me wrong I like strong female characters like Jana I would just like to see them Introduce some more strong male leads to that , aren’t villains.


Having more men like Aragorn would just an all around win.


I’m not going to sit here and type out a 30 page essay on that topic. If you’ve seen the films/read the books, then you know what I am talking about. It doesn’t have to be spelled out. I want male heroes again. Not male losers.


To be honest debating with people on a forum usually seems like a pointless endeavor. They don’t really want to understand or listen to your point of view. They really just want to show how you are wrong.


There’s all kinds of male characters in Lord of the Rings. Aragorn, the Hobbits, Gandalf, Legolas, etc. I consider all of those to be male heroes.

I don’t even know what your point of view is to be honest, just “more manly male characters”, but I don’t even know what that means and you refuse to describe it to me. :dracthyr_shrug:

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ActiBlizz can’t write strong male characters because they have no good examples to emulate being based out in California where the men all get mani-pedis, nurse lattes all day, bemoan that they’re running out of product for their hair, and the ActiBlizz writers have obviously have never seen a western with Clint Eastwood or John Wayne in it.

That being said, I don’t mind a surplus of female characters in a video game. If I’m going to be playing a game for hours on end, a little eye candy wouldn’t go unappreciated. Of course, none could compare to my wife who is standing right here . . . :sweat_smile:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


My point of view wasn’t really stated in this thread to be honest. I’ve mostly been coasting and agreeing with points, or stating where peoples logic seems to fail. Such as your earlier statement about equality means not caring if all characters are female. But I regress. My point of view is rather simple, I’d just like Blizzard to treat people in a way that is true to the virtues they claim to have. Diversty and inclusion is 100% A-Ok by me, but that also means inclusion of all types, not just their chosen few.

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Okay, why don’t you describe what a strong male character looks like then as an example for Blizzard and everyone else?

Gunny Highway, Rooster Cogburn, The Man With No Name, Josey Wales, Sergeant Stryker, Wolverine, The Punisher. Do you need more examples? I have a list, a very long list. :smiley:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Based on their description I think they want people like Sam Elliotts character in The Ranch LUL A mans man, that don’t need no fancy milk in their coffee and scoffs at men that wear more hairproduct then their wives. (Not my point of view, just a statement of what the character in that show was like)

We need strong male characters like Final Fantasy!

These threads are blurring together. Did I already do this joke in this one?


I think the problem is how Blizzard is writing the new characters, of which most are female. The female characters (Faerin, Brinthe, Baelgrim’s replacement, and the council earthen) are far too similar to one another imo, and it is clear the writers want these characters to drive the campaign stories. I don’t see these characters carrying the next few patches though.

I came for Thrall, Alleria, Anduin, and Jaina going A-team, and it keeps getting mired by 4x copy & paste of a “social outcast brings progress, compassion, and true innovation”.


Sephiroth would look better in that dress.


Man, i rly wish we got warcraft 3 Thrall and Cairne, so simple and so good

This new thrall is a disgrace

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Oh buzz off.

Tell me what you like about those characters, what kind of personalities and qualities do they have that you like?

So like… low maintenance and down to earth? Is that right? Because I feel like low maintenance and down to earth describes most male characters in WoW to be honest, minus maybe some select male blood elves lol.

sadly that is a problem with these types of threads. There will be a fair amount of legitimate concern then there will be people…that well rather just not see diversty in their games at all. It’s difficult to talk about inequal treatment toward a formally or current overly supported group without having regressive people show up as well. Such is the nature of hard conversations.

To be fair, I haven’t even seen any of the new content yet, and won’t, at least for a while. I’m waiting to hear how good or bad it is from friends before I buy this one.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine: