New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I’d agree, and generally do agree that is what equality is. Problem is, that isn’t what was pushed as equality when everyone was asking for more representation so now it’s not seen as equality just a reversed situation.

Can’t argue that equality is equal representation and then turn around and argue that equality doesn’t care what gender you are once the roles are reversed. It don’t really work that way.

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When you are accustomed to unquestioned, unchallenged dominance, equity looks like oppression.

Submit to the FEMPIRE. It’s our time boys, we’ll do a better job…not like that’s saying much lol.

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Who cares?

However, that means the next expansion or the last expansion in this saga, the male leads will have to come in and clean up the mess.

I’m glad someone made this post, because I was about to.

The discrepancy of male to female characters is staggering in TWW. Not just main characters. There are double or more female NPCs than male across the entire expansion. It’s so flagrant that it’s distracting and blows immersion into oblivion.


TBH it doesn’t break my immersion, I couldn’t really care less. I only find it bothersome cause the reverse was found to be problematic. I don’t like it when things are found to be problematic one way but then flipped and its okay. All male, all female leads, It don’t matter to me one way or the other so long as the story is good and the devs are not sending out mix signals about problematic behaviors and views. Just treat everyone the same its not that hard.



Dude gets out of the device he was strapped too, draining torture for years.

Picks up a weapon. And basically goes you all really want to see some rage? I can do that.

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What about when in Vanilla WoW that night elves were mostly female characters because a lot of the men were sleeping druids and not there? How was that not “distracting” and “blowing immersion” for you then, but now it is? :thinking:

The Night Elves were established to be the “Amazons” of the Elves from WC3. It wasn’t distracting because it was expected and thoroughly fleshed out. Apples and oranges.


So if Blizzard makes up a lore reason why there’s more female NPCs you’d be fine with it then?

If it’s a darn good one, sure. But they are neither capable nor willing. We all know why, anyway. That sweet, sweet Black Rock cash is too tasty for them to drop the aggressive ESG/DEI push. They’re making bank without a single cent of player money.


So why do you think they decided to write the Night Elves to be mostly women due to a lot of the men being asleep? That was a conscious choice they made when first releasing the game. Were they being pushed by Blackrock to do “ESG/DEI” all the way back then? What makes you think it isn’t just a conscious choice now, like it was back in Vanilla WoW?

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I carried an M40A1 or what is now called an M107 depending on the mission along with my M1911A1, and sometimes an M16A2 or an MP5, my rolling gear was about 80lbs, and I can hump 15 miles with that in about 3 hours on a bad day. Best pick up the pace, princess. Also, Jody is far too afraid of me to even look at my lady because he knows I can reach out and touch him from all the way across the zip code, and if I’m not there, one of my daughters will be, and yes, they’re marksmanship is excellent. I do not drive a Caddy.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


I’d assume because there is a council of people hired specifically to help them make sure stories are done in a specific way. It’s difficult to believe there is much creative choice when a department exists to combat creative choice.


Two reasons:

  1. The original WoW team was a group of nerdy D&D dude bros, and sexy purple nearly-naked elf chicks is appealing to men.

  2. Basing fantasy ideas off of real world mythology is a popular practice, done before and after WoW.

Both the inspiration and the intent are worlds apart from what we get now. Apples and Oranges.


Which council? And do they specifically work on WoW? Keep in mind they would be in the credits then. Gimme a source.

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When more males there were still strong females around.

maiev a strong lead. till SL. to push the carebear power of friendship crap…she got shutdown. Crap writing strikes again.

Legion even Illidan let the demons and naga keep female generals. When we take over we jsut tell the matron where stuff needed to die. she worked out the rest with her demon army.

Jaina has always been there. Resplendent in the finest plot armour.

Until her untimely death amber kearnan was way up there in Si:7 leadership. If not for her demise in legion I’d have her the person replacing shaw one day. And I’d have been happy for that. She actually would have earned that spot with appearance since even cata.


It’s ironic that you say this in a thread complaining about too many women characters by what seems to be from mostly men. You would think if that was the case, these complaints wouldn’t be made, and they wouldn’t be asking for more muscular manly guys like Garrosh.

So what’s going on here, why did men back in Vanilla love seeing women, but now hate seeing women and wanna see more ripped muscle men?

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Because they live on twitter and substack.

They don’t care if their employer makes money, only that they receive the paeans they crave on twitter and substack.

It’s the same problem with ‘journalists’ these days. And perhaps other professions.


to be honest can’t be bothered like I said it was all assumption based on what the person was saying. If their talking about DEI, that is what those councils are made for. To help insure a product, in this case the game which is a story is aligned with those ideas. I’m not pro or anti this idea. I was simply stating the obvious. For the most part as I stated before I couldn’t really care less. So long everyone is on the same foot that if all men is a bad thing, then all women is a bad thing too. A problematic thing is still problematic if it holds the same but in different peoples favor.

Then it kinda just seems like the devs themselves choosing to put more female characters in. Kind of like they did here from the beginning:

It doesn’t seem like anything has really changed then, there’s always been lots of female characters. If the actual complaint is that you want to see more muscular manly men, then people should be making threads asking for that, the problem isn’t too many female characters then and you won’t get more muscular manly men by complaining about there being too many women.