New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

great post, unfortunately logic does not register with most and their emotions cloud their already skewed and blurred vision

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Equality means you don’t care what number of what gender the main characters are, they’re just people to you.

Who cares, they are fictional characters, why are you spending so much time thinking about what they got between their legs? Quit being weird. I can’t believe there’s 1000 replies in a thread which is just TL;DR “does anyone else think there’s too many broads in this game?”. Ew.


Switching this back on you: why do the devs care so much about what they have between the character legs if they went ahead and changed the sex ratio from male to female. And quite heavy handed, too.


Yeah, it’s strange that it always works in only one direction. If it were done the other way around, the worst things would immediately be claimed.


Just like in DF, mosts NPCs in TWW who have a role in the stories are female. I want equal gender representation.

This :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


If you’ve been to California you would understand why we dont have strong masculine characters anymore. The writing is the product of the environment.


What evidence do you have that they didn’t just imagine the main characters this expansion as women, instead of obsessively keeping track of the gender ratio in the game like a weirdo like yourself and others in this thread?

Let me ask you this, when you enter into a restaurant, do you scan the room and count the ratio of women to men and think about there being too many of one gender in the same establishment as you? No? Of course not, because who frickin’ cares, only a weirdo would do something completely pointless and unhinged like that. So why the hell would you do it in a video game? Why would you even care?

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Because most of these women act like dudes. How about that for evidence. And many of the dudes act like idiots. It’s actually the singnature of bad writers trying to write in strong female characters. That has nothing to do with strong female characters, when it acts like a man and in order for her to look smart, everyone around her has to become really stupid. I suggest you do the quests. There’s a lot of that going on.

Look, at this point I’m not even sure why you people pretending it’s not happening when it’s been happening for at least 3 expansions.


I aM a SiMpL Ind’PeNdt MaLe
NeEd FeMaL tElL mE wHa Do
CaN’t ThInK fEr Self
Am JuSt DrIvEn By BaSiC iNsTiCt
MiNd VeRy ClOsEd
ChAnGe ScArY

As with any story, players want to relate to the characters. If they’re predominately type-cast, they become unrelatable and the experience is ruined.

No one cares about this in a restaurant, because they’re there to eat; the food is what is important, not the staff or their gender


Define what “acting like a dude” means to you, describe it for us so we know what exactly you mean by that.

There’s a character for everyone to relate to in World of Warcraft: your own character. We don’t need NPCs for that. This isn’t a movie we are watching and the main character is supposed to be someone everyone can relate to. We HAVE characters already to fulfill that need.

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Excluding Xalafoot, every single evil character is male.

Every friendly male character either…

1: Dies.

2: Gives up their mantle to a female character who’s explicitly wiser, more well liked, and smarter than them.

3: Is an incompetent nerd.

4: Is getting a plot arc they already completed on repeat.

5: Is named “Brann.”

Meanwhile, lets play a game.

I’m thinking of a female character. She’s very competent, she is wise, she is smart. Everyone likes her except for a cardboard cut out that has an irrational dislike of her.

Trick question, I just described every single female character in Warfin that isn’t Xalafoot or Alleria. The writing in this expansion is quite bad and the only exceptions seem to be accidents. People are just gaslighting themselves because Metzen’s back and Dragonflight was a disaster.


Anduin, Thrall, Khadgar, etc just don’t exist this expansion I guess. But let me guess, none of them are masculine enough based on some arbitrary standards of masculinity that contradicts itself.

At this point why don’t people just describe what kind of male characters they want exactly, and then tell us why the already existing male characters we see in the trailers, game cover, and the game itself somehow don’t fit into those standards in some way. Let’s hear it.

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Not any more he doesn’t.


Is going through his Legion character arc all over again.

Yes, actually. Having Garrosh loose in the underground would have made things way more compelling. Now you have these people running away from Garrosh, who’s a hungry hungry hippo for another old god’s heart like he’s collecting Pokémon.

But Garrosh also said a meanie word to Sylvanas so he had to go die. Twice.

It’s a problem when I read fan fiction more compelling than this tripe.


What about Thrall and Anduin isn’t masculine enough for you? Describe what qualities Garrosh has that you’d like to see in Thrall/Anduin. Don’t be vague.

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Thrall and Anduin collectively have the integrity of wet paper.

They’d be shredded in moments any decent villain came along and put intense pressure on either of them.

Garrosh in comparison was tortured for the entirety of Shadowlands and still retained his sanity.


I want to see big strong tauren and/or orc dudes rip some Nerubians in half while shouting in battle cries!!!

If only useful men still existed… and if only the Horde still existed as well :frowning:


something tells me you weren’t as upset when wow was mostly male leads


It wouldn’t be wow if a cool male character didn’t die immediately after we met him!

(Not complaining about the female leads, just pointing out a trend in blizzard writing.)