New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I agree though I could be biased?

Having stunning domitrix Mistress Azzy as a neighbor, also being moms best friend while growing up could have some bearing on it.

Female have inherent character traits & abilities to make both men and angels fall.

Would this even be a thread if it was all male leads?

Nope, because in 2004 it wasn’t that way.

How do you know they’re female? Are you referring to body type b? All these assumptions in this thread. We could be looking at an all male cast here.

Of course, an all male cast is very problematic. We need baby inc to consult and do an audit to make sure this isn’t the case.


I may check out that game that sold 10,000,000 copies this week.


I’m really surprised that you guys didnt flagged OP or deleted this thread yet, because almost every single post about something similar to this one has been flagged and deleted. :neutral_face:

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One of the most racist things you can do to a person is make them feel they need extra help to achieve the same as whites.


whats going on here?

World of Wokecraft


If it’s true…what’s wrong with that? We have definetly had the same level of male led games, so why not?

Also, every time I see these posts they turn out to be cherry picked and wrong. Will be interesting to see how much you are being dishonest as I play through the game.

Nothing if the story is good. I <3 Xal’atath. Shes a true evil lead that we needed. The dragon stuff wasnt as fun cause it felt soulless. But I have high hopes for blizzard. I know I shouldnt cause its let me down in the past. but… 20 years man, I cant drop it.


She’s Frozen villain evil. Not the same.

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Copium. But at least you admit it. That’s more than others here, who have probably never played a game other than WoW and have no idea that games can also have a solid story.

Same thing that is wrong with all male leads. Lets be honest, it’s kind of odd to tout diversity and then leave out a group entirely. It’s not very diverse is it?


But wouldn’t you know it, that’s exactly what these people who champion the cause of DEI are doing.

And it’s also why blacks who don’t live in poverty, hate that crap with a passion.

Seen plenty of blacks on Youtube who speak out against DEI hiring because it’s patronizing and because it’s basically saying they aren’t good enough to make it without special help. They see it as a huge insult.

They want to prove to the world they don’t need a white person’s help that they are more than capable on their own. But that’s a bit hard to do when we got a bunch of lefty whites thinking they need to rush in on a big ole white horse and save them.

But then, the left always has a history of doing the same thing they whine about everybody else doing…

They pretend to fight for women’s rights, and women’s representation, but they can’t actually tell you what a “woman” is and then claim that anybody can be a “woman” which is incredibly sexist because that is basically saying that the female sex doesn’t matter, and that anybody can call themselves a woman even if they are biologically male. It’s an insult to biological females and plenty of women have stood up and said that they hate that with a passion.

EDIT: And BTW, there’s also plenty of LGBTs on Youtube speaking out against poorly written shoehorned inclusion characters in media, too. They want to see LGBT characters, but they hate it when some company does it to check checkboxes because they are very poorly represented. They want good representation, not shoddy badly written representation that makes them look bad.


to be honest that is about right @Kiyomaro.

Blizzard sadly only knows how to act in pendulum swings always has been that way always will be that way. They simply move from one extreme to another.

You even see it in their game design.

If something is overpowered, instead of making a 10% adjustment, they’ll pull out a huge sledgehammer and nail it with a 50% nerf and then a class goes from being the top performer to being near the bottom overnight.

When I try to think about good things about WoW, “game balance” is never one of those things that come to mind.

It’s actually rather comical how bad the balance actually is, how jank some classes are and how there’s lots of disparities to be found.


Yep just here for the ride, if you don’t like something don’t worry just ride the pendulum eventually it’ll be in your favor.

To be fair, he’s been through a lot

I just wish people would shut up about it