New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

They’re still compensating for the allegations.


Or women are entirely running things at Bliz. The story, the character development, the artwork, the questlines.

Sorry but I want my manly WoW back.


Firstly, the artwork is amazing. Secondly, being a man or a woman has nothing to do with the quality of one’s art.

I prefer what I call “unbalanced equity” in story telling. Some expansions we will have dominant male or female casts. Some expansions we will have an equal set. In the grand scheme of thing it balances out. And honestly, even with an expansion or two dominated by women Warcraft would have alot of catching up to do.


I want it to feel natural. Right now it doesnt, imo.


I havent really liked the art style in a long time. The colors have become too soft and pastel. The dracthyr? No. The character models are not to my preference. The work is technically good but not the way I would prefer.


As far as storytelling is concerned, to a certain extent yes, because the fundamental interests are different.

I mean, this was crawling up since Legion expansion, when they unapologetic killed Vol’jin to give the leader position to girlboss Sylvanus

What we are seeing is the frog in the hot water saying: If you put a frog in boiling water, he will jump, but if you put in cold water and gradually make it hot, he will die without noticing.

They were slowly killing male characters and leaders and replacing with women for years, not because the story needed or was part of it, but because they wanted to make the ratio of male-female lead to be close, but there wasn’t an uproar against it, so they kept doing.

I guess the mob is starting to notice now that they are going overboard, with no good male characters around and because the overall story is lame, like by example, there is not even any important orc or troll character besides Thrall anymore.


That’s valid. I didn’t like the new drakonid models either. They seemed soft rather than imposing.

Pastels are making a comeback in fashion and decor, though, too. It’s part of a 90s trend that’s reemerged. There have been lots of brights and contrasts in the mogs recently, though.

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That’s awfully essentialist, isn’t it?

Dragonflight didn’t make me think of something epic like game of thrones when I played it. Instead, it brought me back to when I was a kid watching dragon tales. You know, the cartoon for kids.


What happened to “Blood and Thunder”.

The game has been sanitized.


Blood and thunder. The good ol days. Now we got “hugs n kisses”.


Thrall now says “Strength and Unity”


Unfortunately not. It seems to be the truth and there are some studies about it.
You can certainly argue about the causes.

Look at your own circle of acquaintances to see how many women are interested in warfare, swords clashing, dogfights, conquest and other stuff like this.

Of course, it would be desirable if things were different. The more common interests you can share, the better.

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Male, female, black, white, gay, straight, small, tall. I don’t care who the leaders are. As long as they are interesting with a compelling story arch and prone to bad assery.

What I dislike very much is shoehorning in DEI to make a point. That hot Toddy dwarf from DF annoyed me soo much I avoided all the explorer stuff. Moira Starting to give off Toddy vibes but I’m still in the first zone.

Anduin is the worst at this point. He looks ridiculous in that armor and new fade haircut.

Someone in this thread mentioned art style sucks now. Totally agree, its all Frozen Disney vibes. Jaina and now Alleria. I miss the old days where the War part of Warcraft meant something. Maybe that comes back as the story progresses?


As long as they’re good characters, then I’ll never care about gender or ethnic background. I haven’t played so there will be no judgement, at least from me.


War bad. Me no more zug zug. Me only hug hug.


Nothing wrong with female leads if it’s done right. Things seem OK so far.

Nah, I’d rather it be Sylvanas. I’ve had enough of her that I don’t really wanna see her anymore.