New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

War isn’t war without testosterone fueled rages.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


The boys are fighting their own wars within. They have tummyaches from eating too much ice cream!


I finally got the toy from poor Notfar the Unbearable in Azure Span, this week.

Poor guy.


They’re being sent on the front lines to die!

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WITH CRAMPS FROM TUMMYACHES AND BRAIN FREEZE! Oh, the humanity and the orcocity!


I can kinda see where you are coming from. I used to watch Naruto and the lack of female characters that would actually do anything really annoyed me. Yes, occasionally things happened but it became one of those things where the exception was proving the rule.

So, wow having a lot of female characters, and Anduin not really doing anything could seem like that in the opposite way.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with the female characters they have created, but I would be happy to see some strong male characters, or even Anduin showing some real strength in the story as well.

I think Anduin will get his moment, I’m just waiting for it.


I had my suspicions but I didn’t want to face the facts. :face_vomiting:

Thanks for telling me nothing. You guys have a talent at talking too much and saying nothing at all.

First of all, I don’t like to blame the writers. It gives me so satisfaction that I have to bring up glaring issues with the writing. Second who the devil else is there to blame? Should I blame the audience like it’s hip to do these days?

And of course you didn’t actually read what I said. Not surprising. If you actually had bothered to read what I said, my issue wasn’t that they added a diabled character, my issue is that they added it just for clout and nothing else. Cause if they had any actual interest in their work. They would have had that character become maimed during the player story not just toss her on some poster or some trailer and pat themselves on the back cause they ticked that current day requirement. And then you have the gall to talk about my brain when you can’t read a few simple lines. Honestly, just shut up. It’s obvious you aren’t here to discuss the improvement of the story, but rather to do the outrage thing and I don’t have the time or interest to put up with it any more.


didnt say there was.


#hashtag bringbackthetestosterone


My ultimate take here.

Girl boss power!

Okay…there is your pack. 75lb give or take. And your service rifle. forget M4’s and such weight. Ammo for the machine gunner…15 minute rotations for the ammo cans. Patrols pass ammo cans the whole time. Cans of 5.56mm aren’t exactly light. turns are taken passing it off.

We keep 3 mile an hour pace, and we got 15 miles to cover by sunset. and I don’t want to hear the same marching cadence the whole time.

I already know Jody stole my girl and my Cadillac. And there ain’t no use in looking back.

For non Marines Jody is the (used way too much) march marching “song” they do.

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Honestly, I didn’t notice. I don’t see male or female in my old age anymore. Everyone is either cool or not cool.

I’m still at the beginning of the story but I’d say everyone’s been cool so far.

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They’re all the same female leader.

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I dont really mind female leads, but just because it is known a big part of the player base is looking for male leads to relate to I think including at least one would have been great.

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What is your evidence of this other than your feelings?

How does that make any difference? You’d still just claim they are pandering.

If you think your suggestions are improvements, I’ve got bad news for you, friend.

I’m not the one complaining about about the % of females to males and how making one of them disabled is a ‘cheap move’

they removed the post that had over 100 likes, they can remove posts, but they cannot silence the voice of the people, we want world of warcraft back


I’ve always loved Anduin and how unique he was in the world. Now every guy out there is soft (that was not killed off), and it killed off the uniqueness of Anduin in such a brutal world.

It also makes the story feel less engaging and like the stakes don’t matter to me anymore.

I still like Anduin, though and I’m glad he’s recovering. This is my own conspiracy but… I’m worried that the Anduin we have now is not really him anymore but Xal or one of her minions. The way he acts and talks feels too different after he was captured, like that smirk he gave, felt off and made me sus.

This exactly. No one liked Sakura being so useless for most of the Anime. It feels worse and stands out more when WoW used to be a very dark brutal wartorn world with lots of cool dudes running around killing one another, it built an audience expecting that, now they are all gone outside of a few that are never used anymore and there have been no male replacements outside of Anduin.

This exactly. I like most of the new characters, outside of the Dwarves, they are just not for me.

The correct term is “body type 2”

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i feel like they couldve figured out something better.

numbers are weird because 1 comes before 2.
#1 is “cooler” than #2

idk… couldve figured something more… equal.

i feel like male & female is less “triggering” than 1 & 2

world of wokecraft :man_shrugging: