New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

How does killing Khadgar say men are bad?

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Finally someone said, :crown: your crown pogchamp.

Vultan nails it.

We simply find ourselves upon a cultural medium which is why those topics come up here and are therefore discussed here as well.

Don’t look now but this thread that had to get “FLAGGED” is now as popular as the thread dedicated to starting at a female Dranei’s hindquarters. Maybe there is hope for the wow community.


Again, “bad” in the sense of “incompetent” or “lacking” or “weak”.

Killing a character off is certainly making them look weak. Especially if it’s a woman killing the male character off.

And again, this isn’t about JUST WoW, Blizz, or TWW. A lot of stories in a lot of media are doing this anymore. Male characters are portrayed as being weak, incompetent, and lesser to women quite often.


To be fair, I can understand why staring at a female draenei’s rear is something a lot of guys enjoy doing.

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I can’t. But to me they are freakish goatlien creatures. So… :slight_smile:

Killing (which btw they absolutely did not do) a single character is not in any stretch of the imagination demonizing men.

Just don’t look below their knees and don’t look at the horns on their head and you have what is a perfectly normal person.

Well, ok they have tentacles on their faces, but they are generally tiny and not really that noticeable.

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Please go be annoying and wrong somewhere else


Let’s hijack this thread yeah? Could you explain how you could understand this behavior?

Honestly even if you aren’t a leg and face person there should probably be an issue with this.

I agree, to see the direction and catering to a crowd while inherently disregarding the other crowd is wild.


Personally, I think that emotional and empathetic behavior suits someone like Anduin. He has always been driven by a desire for peace and friendship, and he often seeks advice from others and tries to find peaceful solutions. It’s something he has carried with him since childhood. So, I find it perfectly fine for him to remain this way and I wouldn’t call him weak for that.

The problem arises when it feels like every male character becomes… I dunno… very soft, and in some cases, just incredibly naive and foolish.


Well, have you taken a close look at a female draenei?

Girl’s got the perfect torso and hip shape. And when they jog, their rear goes side to side, it’s hard not to stare.


its easy theyre a bunch of ugly goats.

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No she does not. She looks like her back is in constant pain. The girl is trying far too hard and still coming up short.

Not to mention horns, tentacles, and freakish legs.



I mean the fact that it’s a space goat? Does that mean we have a large % of furries in the wow community then?


I can’t really call anybody who likes draenei a furry because, you know, Draenei don’t have fur.

EDIT: Also, are you just now questioning the # of furries in the WoW community after seeing all of the vulpera, pandaren, and worgen running around?


Yeah, they look really, really ugly…