New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

The people writing the story seem to care a lot. Why don’t you ask them?

It’s probably mostly males playing the game.

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No you did not LMAO I literally just finished it

You see Faerin for like 5 seconds at the start when he gets captured then go spend time with Nerubians and Gazlowe and then go back to Anduin in the city

… ok so if an Alliance character is leading the Undead, then why are they still Horde? lol

Hey this isn’t high school, you don’t need to try to win arguments by saying lol and lmao when you just disagree. It just does not matter.

Lothar is the main character throughout most of the second zone. Anuin is a crying baby being led around.

Last zone your just talking to spiders till the very end. Three different ones. Then anuin shows up, does nothing but run while valeria tries to be badass but doesn’t really do anything either.

I’m laughing at you. That’s why I’m saying lmao. Because you’re warping reality in order to push your agenda that the story is somehow anti-male characters. Hence why we are all laughing at you in this thread.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Because she belongs to the Horde now.
But if you’re wondering why the Undead aren’t neutral… it’s the same issue as with the other races. Because the devs still cling to their outdated racial segregation concept for the factions. It would be nice if you could have all your favorite races in your preferred faction, but I guess that would be too much fun, so they can’t allow it.

Yeah I get it. But you don’t need to try so hard.

You are not going to lose the respect of your peers in the cafeteria. Who cares if you disagree or I don’t agree with you.

And for movies the casting.

I’d not mind strong female protaganist. If they weren’t weak. For thor movie Portman put on armbands to work in CGI muscle in post. Helmsworth…I will joking use the troll meme do you even lift bro? He did lift weights. Lots of them.

WWE has quite a few strong females. I don’t know if Rhea Ripley can actually act. BUt…I do know she is built. And could beat some dudes down IRL. So it be very reasonable she could do it on the screen too.


I certainly don’t care. But I’m still gonna laugh at you

LMAO :joy:

Well, some races it plain would not make sense, like, why would Draenei go Horde? Or Orcs go to the Alliance?

That would not make any sense whatsoever.

However, there ARE some races that CAN swap, like Pandaren and Drac’thyr.

So it would be nice if they opened the doors for Alliance Undead and it would have some lore reasons, like maybe not all undead agree with the Horde’s way of doing things and some of them remember their loyalties to the crown and decide to migrate to Stormwind.

Sure dude. I’m glad someone is enjoying the war within writing.

Whats the agenda. Explain to me like I’m five the end goal of having more women in prominent roles. What is it theyre trying to accomplish?

Female empowerment in general.

Fill the media with lots of women in powerful positions, and put men down to overcome the “patriarchal society” that they’re always complaining about.

It’s part of a massive campaign to demonize men and prop the women up.

If you fill entertainment media with lots of this stuff, people IRL will eventually start changing their perceptions of people. If they are constantly fed that women are great and men suck, eventually that’s how they will perceive things IRL, too.

And that’s their goal.


Yes, I enjoy when the story features a wide variety of different characters! It’s nice getting to adventure alongside Brinthe, Magni, Moira, and Dagran in the first two zones and then Faerin, Anduin, and Alleria in the next!

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You can find groups within every race that think differently. Handling it the way Blizzard does is extremely unnatural.
In the case of the Undead, there’s even confirmation that some want to return to the Alliance and Anduin and even Genn agreed to it. However, Sylvanas killed those who openly showed sympathy for the Alliance.


Explain with specific examples of men being demonized? One single example of World of Warcraft saying “Men are bad”.

The literal villian of the story is a women.

Also explain why propping women up is bad.

can we make anduin’s eyes not a cinematic equivalent of a flashbang please

BTW :+1: to Blizzard’s moderators for restoring the original post.

“Bad” does not necessarily mean “morally evil” as in villain.

Usually, “bad” men are incompetent, get killed off, are forced to take lesser roles while the women step up and do all the important stuff in the story.

Killing off Khadgar at the beginning for starters.


you actually think he’s dead? dude’s basically the tyrael of wow, he’s never gonna die

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