New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

snails can change genders

Yes, there are some other species that can do it, usually small organisms like snails and frogs and the like.

i learned this from a weird japanese manga.

So you didn’t watch the show if this is your take on the death of the coven.

They’d rather die then have the children who were birthed through wacky star wars convergence magic by a sith lord who generally has had a sketchy cannon at best (thanks “legends”). but no, “they died in a fire” was your take away?

The writers held respect for past events, aka the starforge, and generally portrayed the jedi order during the high republic pretty well. sadly the first four episodes are near unwatchable. Quite a bit of this references old cannon which I liked a lot.

My issue is it’s just Anakin’s story again.

you mean “evolve” Not every thread has to end with posts about candy corn and snails. This is likely the most important election cycle of our lives.

It’s weird reading the EU forums. Apparently the US has a grip on them to the point of absurdism.

Grip in what what?

TBF, they say that about every election cycle.

I will admit, I don’t want Ms. Gigglesworth in there.

But, I can’t really say I want the other guy either.

It’s a shame that neither side can put somebody up there that the majority of us do want, and it ends up with rabid blue and rabid red trying to convince the centrists on who they should vote for when the centrists don’t want either one.


Are we snails? If you’re serious you need to work on debating skills in a big way.

if we’re being honest, they have spent the last 3 or 4 of those years cycling male leads out for female leads and putting more development into their female characters. A good amount of it came with the betterment of the story but, at least in my opinion, it’s starting to be at the detriment of it

i never said we were, if you think i did, then you need to work on reading skills.

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Maybe we are.


Then what was your point when bringing up that snails can change their gender? Just random facts?

They should really just try to get something close to an even split and distribute time and attention to each of them as best as reasonably possible, to be honest.

Too much of either gets old. No, I don’t want all the main characters to be dudes. I don’t want them all being girlbosses either.

Why do people argue so fervently against the middle in-between? I can’t understand the mentality of arguing against the middle-ground.


He was correcting me when I said that frogs could change their gender earlier.

Thrall leaves the story right away along with with Jaina. They kill off the one cool Dwarf dude in a leadership role right away and kill off Kadgar right away. Then every other leader / major story character is female or dies/goes evil and is replaced by a female.

Male characters in leadership roles for the different factions all went Evil outside of like the 1 high elf with the Arathi if he’s even in any leadership position. It feels forced once again. All we have is Anduin. While I love Anduins character he’s not popular among most male players from what I’ve seen as they want someone even more masculine.

With the Arathi the major character (one-armed girl, I’m horrible with names so forgive me.), then the female general that leads them. The leader of their people that goes evil is male.

Female spider Queen. / Xal for the void stuff.

Dwarves are led by the lady, and the male leader goes evil that she replaces.

The new cool Troll main person we interact with is female.

There is small stuff with Magni but outside of that, it’s only Anduin around as a dude we really quest with.

I like the one-armed lady so far, hate the dwarf lady tho and have no real opinion on the lame spider lady. Xal is also the best villain they had in a while.

I just dislike the agenda they are pushing overly hard. It’s forced, causing the old characters people loved to be killed or retired for no good reason, and is outright a joke tbh most of the time like the people who write this stuff in modern media.

It’s not an issue when there are strong female leads, it’s an issue when they belittle/ruin/kill/stop creating male characters to push those characters as we all know it’s just to push their silly politics/religion rather than making a good story for the game’s audience.


just random facts, because i wanted to add to the list of species that can.

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yeah a post about female leads in World of Warcraft turning into discussions and arguments about real world politics isn’t an evolution. Also the topic has literally partially turned into posts about snails

It’s annoying.

It’s not so much masculinity, it’s more… his whole arc starting from Post-Legion all the way up till now.

They replaced Varian with Anduin, and… let’s just say, he’s a wee little boy trying to put on his father’s boots. Anduin wears size 8 and his father once wore size 14.

That, and that whole Shadowlands thing happened… make him evil then give him a redemption arc… same reason why people roll their eyes at Sylvanas.

They both were handed Karma Houdini cards, and nobody likes a Karma Houdini.