New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

uhm garona?

In defense of Anduin being sad, he did have to put up with all of Shadowlands.


This post hit the nail on the head.

Having muscles is not just an artstyle, that is the most disingenuous thing you could say.

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Oh yeah, her.

I’ve not been keeping up with WoW/Warcraft’s story for… a few years now. Ever since the end of Legion, is about the time I stopped caring about the story because of how ‘meh’ it’s been.

How long has it been, since the end of Legion? 6 years? something like that?

Artists have their quirks.

Some artists use anime style.
Some artists like to draw all of their characters being insanely ripped and buff.
Some artists like to draw all their characters skinny and androgynous.
Some artists only draw chibi.

It’s not disingenuous at all.

Who are they making this game for???


Maybe you don’t mind it, but I think most people wouldn’t want the South Park player who has no life to be a male lead in WoW outside of a purely meme capacity.

A bit, but even in the RTS games it was still like that. Just look at Arthas’ art, he was probably the least ripped of the main guys, but he was still hulking compared to characters from other IPs.

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Yeah most if not all fantasy stories are pretty dumb. Like why in LotR in the third one is it called Return of the King? Isn’t the main character the king?

I wouldn’t agree with that, and it wasn’t what I intended to convey. I think WoW’s story is extremely poor, but that doesn’t mean that fantasy stories in general are bad. :dracthyr_shrug:

Yeah but one of the main plot points is him accepting his role as king of Gondor. Plus “Return of the King” sounds way better than “Destruction of the Ring” or something similar. The books were supposed to be one giant book originally anyway, it was the publisher that recommended making it a trilogy.

What’s normal about that? Where are you getting these stats from?

I haven’t read the LotR books since I was a kid, some 30+ years ago… but if memory serves, Aragorn was not crowned the king until near the end of that book.

So, “Return of the King” is quite literal. Aragorn is crowned king, thus “we have a king again” at the end of the war.

Sounds pretty straight-forward to me?

I could be wrong, like I said, it’s been some 30 years. Memories of it are fuzzy.

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That’s crazy, so instead of leading his people he was just waffling about being dark and broody?

Uh, a little thing called real life?

It’s normal in real life for the majority of leaders to be men. Or at least was, until we started DEI hiring and voting for women just because they’re women.

I mean, go back to WWII and name me some female military/political leaders.

I’m waiting.


:rofl: oh no. Bad idea. Funny and bad.

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It’s from the perspective of the people. The southern line of kings had died out over a thousand years before the story, and while the northern line carried on, their realm of Arnor had been destroyed by Angmar even before that.

Have you ever read the books or watched the movies?

Aragorn was kind of busy trying to help the ring-bearer get the ring to Mordor.

He didn’t have time to sit on a throne.

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Yes, so you can point out one or two amongst hundreds.

I mean like we have had success and grand woman as leaders. I can’t remember her name from Egypt but she was really good for the nation then they tried to scrub her from history and pass her stuff onto a guy.

I think my favorite was the one leader, she asked for house pigeons as tribute, then tied flammable material to their talons and released them. She then watched from a hill as the birds returned to their nests and lit the village aflame. Pretty crazy

No, that’s why I’m more so asking questions than making statements on it.