New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

It’s actually a VERY old trope. How many years have we had commercials for household products where it’s “the idiot husband can’t get anything right, but good thing is wife is there to save him”?

And it’s just accepted.


this is a video game, not real life.

but I can see you’re one of those so ill end this discussion here, bye!


This post being flagged is so pathetic honestly


i said cringe not CRIIIIIIINGE!

Blizzard shills cant take anything that disturbs their taliesin and evitel like Toxic positivity bubble, they just have to shut off everything that is even slightly ciritical of Blizzard so their echo chamber doesn’t collabs.


As I’ve always said…

Funny how sexism is OK if it’s pro-woman.


^ This 10000000%

Fair enough. But even Luke isn’t a greasy loser, people’s problem with him in the sequels (including Mark Hamill himself) was Disney made him a loser who gave up easy, when in the original he persisted though all sorts of hardships to redeem his father.

I bring up the ripped guys since that’s Warcraft’s traditional schtick. Even men who focused on wisdom and such instead of brawn like Thrall were ripped, let alone Illidan, Garrosh, etc. I for one hope Anduin gets the OT Luke treatment.

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Sephiroth is cool, though. Even with his long, silky hair… :drooling_face:
W- what were we talking about again? Oh right! The WoW story is dumb once again. What a surprise… not.

From “We will never be slaves” to “Every male character is a crying little slave to make the females of the story more strong”.

They went from fruit in pictures to self inserts of mentally ill liberal ladies who want to take over gamer spaces despite them having a history of calling us toxic and evil.


No, there is nothing “wrong with them” if someone is bothered by all fem leads then switching to all male leads, back and forth.

It’s whiplash goofy.

There needs to be a balance. Males and females working together, leading together, like in real life.

Game is fantasy but it’s player base is human, therefore the game needs to maintain some semblance of realism in order to foster immersion.

Once immersion is lost, time played goes down because people will play up to what they want and then move on.

Needs immersion so needs realism. This is why Blizz needs to strike a balance between male & female leads.

That’s all. Sounds easy. It’s not. That’s why I think they’re doing the pendulum/back and forth thing.

My neck hurts now.


There’s nothing wrong with a greasy loser.

Seamus Harper from Andromeda. Or Bryce from Max Headroom.

Brewa’s Nerd Points rise to five THOUSAND.

(I had a huge crush on Bryce when I was 15.)

In the last Jedi, Disney made all male Characters losers and made all female characters boss women mary sues(Except Lea, She was already bad a**), not going to use the word babe because they are not babes in that movie.


That’s more of a game engine thing to be honest.

They re-use skeletons because making animations is a fairly intensive process, and if they can get away with re-using skeletons, they will re-use them to all frick.

Remember how the Mogu wound up being a reskinned Draenei? Or how Goblins and Vulpera are basically the same, with slightly different animations?

Well… they made the male human buff AF because they knew that’s what most people who play a male human would want, and when a male human is brought into the story, they use the male human skeleton and so they all end up being insanely buff dudes even if they’re mages. At least until much later when they finally started making specific models for some of the major NPCs.

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anduin should meet his father’s spirit and become a badass under his guidance.

something, anything.

why’d you get buried? pretty sane post.


TBH this is a heavily modified version of the WC3 Engine.

Except that all the concept art is also full on Gachimuchi muscle party with not a single slanky dude.

I miss Varian. One of the few actually good npcs in this game. :confused:


nope it is just stupid and makes little sense. you know, there is a thing called normalcy, and when someone tries to break normalcy, chaos ensues, and that is not necessary or needed or wanted.

Keep it real. Men leaders > women.


IIRC, the original concept artist for Warcraft materials, that was just their style.

EVERYBODY even the women had ripped muscle. I remember the Orcs&Humans manual showing a pic of that female orc assassin I forget her name, and I remember thinking that they had her being ridiculously ripped.