New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Nope. I was wrong. Golda Meir wasn’t in a notable position of power during ww2.
Sorry about that.

I was also thinking of Margaret Thatcher but she also didn’t serve during ww2.

There were a lot of women that did actually serve in both ww1 and ww2 and later some became actresses, etc… but actually holding a position of power in gov’t, no. Not that I’ve found so far.

So I was wrong. Can’t think of any.

Well, I specifically mentioned WWII, because you know, World of Warcraft … if we’re going to be fair with our comparisons, we should compare an era of real-life that involved war, and WWII was the most recent of huge wars fought, so…

“Female Military/Political Leaders during (or involved in) WWII” … ends up being very few. Less than a dozen, amongst hundreds of men.


huh? Dude, all I have are female characters. No, I’m not mentally unstable enough to think I’m a woman. I enjoy looking at the female form, be it real or digital.


not so long ago they couldnt even vote. history isnt gonna show a lot of female leads logically :wink:

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I don’t think women are interested in warfare in general.
There are always exceptions, but the masses just yawn tiredly at this stuff.

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Okay? But that is also in a patriarchy system ( going to get people upset about that one :pensive: ) and it’s not set in fantasy or before industrial. Also the leader of a few of those nations I wouldn’t put up on a pedestal as being a better leader.

Same here. 110% straight man.

80% of my characters are women, mostly because I’d rather look at a girl’s rump than a guy’s while they’re running around in a game.

But every now and then I wanna be a huge bull with an axe bigger than a person.

I didn’t say ‘better’ leader, for one.

I was just comparing numbers.

My point is… past WoW, females were over-represented if one wanted to make a comparison to real-life.

And nowadays with the majority of leaders in WoW being female, it’s just getting absurd, like a complete 180 from what real life is.

I get the “fantasy game” part, but suspension of disbelief exists, and once broken, the whole story gets tossed out the window.

There needs to be SOME realism to keep it plausible.


This is why I have transformation toys. Gamon WILL save us.

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Transformation toys are limited though, you can’t transmog armor to get a specific look.

I have a male tauren death knight, and I like to dress him in death knight gear, because seeing a humongous black bull running at you wearing skulls on his shoulders, his humongous greatsword with ice all over it looks badass.

(yes, I totally play a 2h Frost Male Tauren DK and he’s one of my favorite characters).

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I just choose based on the model I like better. :dracthyr_shrug:
For Tauren and HMT, I like both genders, so I have both.
For Night Elves, I go with females because the males look pretty grotesque…
I have both a Void Elf and a Blood Elf, both male, because the females look too much like Barbie to me.
I have both for Vulpera.
My Zandalari is male.
I have a female Worgen character, but honestly, I find both models extremely bad. It doesn’t help that Worgen still have almost no customization options…

I am female myself, in case that says anything about my choices.

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Only one that comes to mind is Yoshiko Kawashima, but considering Manchukuo was a puppet state of Japan and Japan disbanded her units directly once the Second Sino-Japanese War escalated due to viewing them as a liability, one could debate how much of a role she played. “A tiny bit at the very start” would be the best description. I can’t think of any others.

But the post I replied to said men > women. When you break normalcy it’s chaos.

So THAT’S where that character in Shadow Hearts came from… lol

Men > Women, meaning, the numbers, not efficacy/morality.

A lot of people posting on female characters are complaining about the lack of men in game.

Can someone explain to me the need to “Flag a post”? Clearly this talking point is interesting to many players as proven by the replies.


The female Ztrolls are scary looking. There is one face that’s okay but it looks exactly like Marilyn Manson so I find I can’t play them. :joy:

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Control issues is all I can think of. Someone disagrees so they seek to silence the one speaking.

Basically it boils down to a power trip of sorts.


Threads like this are generally assumed to be troll threads by a lot of people.

Partially because they often are, since some people can’t help but act like they’re gonna solve all the world’s sociopolitical issues in this thread if they just yell at each other enough.

I’m here because I enjoy watching the trainwreck threads.

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