New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)


I prefer something in-between. I don’t want Ahnold, but yet I don’t want some overweight beer belly guy either.

How about someone in-between?

i want to see all the overweight characters. an entire expansion around the big boys that took down xalath.

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Just roll a Kul’tiran then, lol

Come on, you know there is a stereotypical look when people think of them.

She only got the name because Blizzard, like modern Disney with all its remakes, is playing the nostalgia card and hoping it will make her more popular.


no im talking BIG.

this kind of big.

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Does it make you nervous?

So much fragility in one place. you all need some bubble wrap blankies?

Because the way they are written is terrible “girlboss” stereotypes or queerbait YASS “mommy” in terms of xalatath and guess what WoW audience is mostly balding old men and not liberal “insert neon hair color” women.

We dont want to see overdone cringe female leads whos personality in the writers notes comes down to “better than a man”


Yeah, as described above, a lot of us love good well-written female leads like Samus, Ripley, Lara, etc.

But they need to actually be well-written. And not absolutely forking ugly would help too.

Like, seriously, look at Horizon: New Dawn and then look at Forbidden West in how they somehow made Aloy even more androgynous and less feminine.

WTF is the point of making a strong female character, but yet making her look less like a girl and more like a feminine man?

I ain’t asking for T&A, but could she at least have a pleasant face?


Not really.


It’s honestly so cringe, playing the new expansion with the lads and seeing another boring girlboss story play out when it’s just basically more of the same from the last few expansions is just lazy, do better blizzard we have more than enough strong girlboss characters now.


bubble wraps for popping not for blankies.

if i hear the word cringe one more time. the pizzas are coming out.

Heck, Han Solo was also loved as a leading male character, and he’s not a huge buff dude either.

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Much agree with this, Its getting old in all media, they wonder why their sales dip or cannot sell it. Gee hmm, could be some writing, but these people rather than reflecting on why it is not selling they gaslight and blame others for it. James Cameron is a writer who has shown how to do a proper story for Female leads, not just shoehorning them in like all these lazy neon haired writers are doing now. Making males weak just to make females strong is old and causing the industry to pull away from DEI. I just wish Microsoft would force blizzard to move away from that crap as well.



I say this all about Cloud Strife, why write a feminine man when clearly they want to write Pain from X-2.

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wrong character, right franchise.

We want “masculine”, cool men. somebody you respect.
Sure they dont have to be buff but yes, somebody who constantly cries and goes doomer mode might be popular to 14 year old girls that play vrchat but certainly not to a bunch of middle aged men who have no hairline left from the amount of frustration this game gives you.