New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

so you havent been playing the past few expacs, got it.

I’ve played all the xpacs, though admittedly WoD I skipped half of, and I skipped half of SL.

But otherwise, I played them all.

Well this is after the disneyfication of the story, look how DF ended, that ending was stupid as hell and lackluster. This whole strong female would be fine if the writing was not garbage. We need a return to form. This is Warcraft not Peacecraft. We need more war and killing, as this started as a dark fantasy, and now a disney styled MMO.


She also didnt used to be like that at all, they completely rewrote her personality

then you know it hasnt been a 50/50 split in a long time, with male leads being more dominant.


Yep, that would be great.

Disney is way edgier than modern WoW.

Was, not is.

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TruthInTelevision if you look at real-life leaders, the majority of which are male.

That’s just how it is.

But even so, in past expansions, there were a decent split, not 50/50, but decent split of male to female main characters.

to go from that to all female is kinda like looking at a yellow cake with chocolate frosting going “you know, I like the frosting more than I like the cake, so instead of baking the cake, why not just eat the frosting right out of the can?”

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Not ‘is,’ but ‘was.’ Today’s Disney is a joke…


I’m a dude and I don’t want to see overweight, greasy loser male characters either. so, uhhhh.

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Yea I get what you mean… culture is being cancelled and women are trying to reign supreme and take over the world. AHHHHHHH !!! Lol.

In the military, it was almost all men who led the charge in battle, and it will m ost likely continue. But for Blizzard, they’ve been hounded by this new cancel culture so hard that they basically caved in to the snowflakes to make them happy.

Truer words could never be spoken.

Lothar is the best one… black, one armed chick who thinks she’s related somehow… LOL. Oh, blizzard.


so you’d rather play females and think you’re a biological woman as well? my guess is yes.

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One guy’s old and has a good team. One guy is objectively evil and is surrounded by fascists. If you don’t see it, that’s fine. Some people live their whole lives without ever feeling the consequences of their choices. Maybe you’ll be lucky.

That was my point. When people fantasize about male leads, they want hulking muscular manly chars, not a guy who looks like they are a reddit mod.

EDIT: Anime weeb “cool” characters are acceptable too.


Faerin. Not Lothar. Lothar was a legend. :confused:

There’s quite a few reddit mods who are happily married and do quite well.

They will probably have some mary sue kill him off… we cannot have kick a** males be the good guys these days.


True that. My mistake. This chick is just a wannabe