New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

I also love how the girl boss in the second movie gets axed fairly quickly once the fighting actually starts. Not saying I’m prejudiced against girls, but… there’s some TruthInTelevision when it comes to girls acting like they are way better than they actually are. They usually end up learning the hard way one day.

She acts all tough, but she panics and freaks out pretty quickly, though she does get to do a heroic sacrifice.

Would have to say the 2013 reboot was a decent example of how to do a female lead right. She’s not all powerful, she just happens upon some luck and has some willpower, and had a backstory that somewhat prepared her for something like the game’s events (how she’d always be climbing around in her home, etc).

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Anduin plays the role of Damsel in distress fairly well.


By the way, small reminder that many people were hyped for the story because Metzen is back. So much for that, huh? The same man also said WoD would be great. Just saying.^^

Sorry boys, women won the lawsuit. Welcome to the Matriarchy. Testosterone has been outlawed.

WoW has been redefined “Women of Warcraft”


Idk man the opening was pretty strong. Way stronger than DF or SL or BFA.

I’m willing to give em some slack for a patch or two to see where the setup goes.

They are using the please forget the lawsuit strat

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Subjective, sure. But why do female characters have to be the ones that are well-written? Why them specifically?

A lot of us oldschool fantasy fans have been waiting for female dwarves with beards, TBH. Blame Tolkien.

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Im sure it wont be long before some blizz devs hits the breastmilk again…


WoD was just a disaster waiting to happen.

When they were doing the crazy ridiculous hype stuff, I knew the expansion was gonna be crap.

The more a company hypes something, the more it’s going to suck.

Someone who has something really awesome to give you, knows they don’t need to hype it up. Once they release it, it is going to downright explode in popularity.

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However, that’s a very, veeeery low bar we’re talking about here. :sweat_smile:


After hearing Metzen and how he had to learn the company works now… where every one has a voice and voting or whatever on what works… my expectations are in line lol (not high at all).

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Fair. I just wasn’t expecting a opening to kill a main character.

Last one was legion and that expansion was pretty good.

Weird how it’s suddenly bad when the people whose whole deal is othering people start being the ones othered.


but am i wrong?

Fascinating. Please tell us more. They are also prone to hystetia, no?

Yeah, but you see, Legion had years of buildup behind it, and it delivered on a lot of players’ wants.

Artifact weapons.
Class Halls.
Class Storylines.
Fighting the fricken Burning Legion.

All this stuff people had been wanting to see for ages.

Meanwhile, TWW is trying to start a brand new story, and what major features did they deliver? Warbands?

Warbands are cool, but they are nowhere near the Artifact Weapons, Class Halls, or the Class Storylines.

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That was a bug that they fixed lol.

Was pretty hilarious though. Gale wanted to show me some magic and I was like, “yeah, cool.” Man oh man, that wasn’t the magic that I thought he was talking about lol.


idk are you wrong?

so just gonna casually toss sylvanas, jaina, moira, and other interesting female chars down the cliff of “irrelevance”?

i seen ppl do weird stuff like the peasant spear launcher, the orc therapist who wants to be named depression because his name is what he breaks.

and one of my favorites… weaponizing mayonnaise.


Yes, and in the first movie, she does a lot of running and hiding from the thing, and doesn’t actually fight it head on.

She doesn’t do that until the 2nd movie when a marine shows her how to use a gun, and after Newt gets kidnapped which sets off her mama bear instincts.