New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Except they dont. Over and over and over again.

Like its great that you’re being appealed to now but it doesnt mean that you have to lie and say its trying to appeal to as many as possible


Yeah successful woke games like Concord. What, are you going to name BG3? BG3 doesn’t force you to take any particular path or preach to you, it just lets you choose different paths if you want. Most people are fine with that.


“A game for everyone is a game for no one.”

-Some devs somewhere, I don’t really know. I never played their game.


The irony of this statement when there is infact a thread on this board that is a safe space for a certain group of people


They’re trying to appeal to people who actually spend money (women) to make more profits. That’s just capitalism baby, and good business. If you want them to appeal to you then spend more money.

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You mean the women who hold most of the country’s debt?

Yes this is the dull thinking that led to them losing their player base, given that PC gamers are mostly men. They are still gaming, just in other games like League or Elden Ring that aren’t cringe. Sure, there’s some women who play, but they’re not the majority of this market and nothing they do is going to change that.

Just as men are never going to be the majority of the Barbie market no matter how you tried to sell it or change the market. Men and women as groups (though there are individual outliers), generally have different tastes.

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Yeah, they made a $40 game in a genre past its prime where the big guns are or have gone F2P and made a generic looking game with generic whacky heroes like it was out of 90s corporate research panel for kids tv.

Oh and some grifters saw it wasn’t gonna do good so are pretending that it was the “woke” that killed it and not all the actual missteps.

I mean, this is their list

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Women aren’t generally into video games or taking over the roles of men.

Pretty sure they don’t want to come across as somebody who wants to take over hobby spaces, as they wouldn’t want crude men to invade theirs.


I know lots of mediocre games that got more than 600 players on Steam. There was one unique thing about this game, and it was the heavy focus on identity politics. It’s laughable to say that had no impact on its sales. They themselves were trying to sell it on that, thinking it would be popular based on virtue signaling people on the internet like you. Unfortunately they calculated wrong and there aren’t that many of you.


They actually are.

Female gamers over 55 spend more time online gaming than males ages 15 to 24. (Source: Ford Motor Company and Trendwatching com study, 2013)

In 61% of all consumer electronic purchases, a woman either initiated the purchase or was involved in the purchase process. (Source: “Tip for Valentine’s Day: Women Want Electronics”, Laura Hubbard, 2012)

U.S. women spend an average of $822 on gadgetry each year and account for more than half of their household’s total consumer-electronics spending. (Source: Consumer Electronics Association, Influence CE Purchases, 2010)

45% of all video game players are women. (Consumer Electronics Association,

If you got any stats that prove men are spending the most money when it comes to electronics/video games, throw them at me.

Sure women play games, but they’re a tiny fraction of the market interested in violent fantasy warfare games.

The candy crush market on the other hand (which is actually more profitable than WoW by far)

Your stats are like saying: “look, lots of girls play with toys”. Okay, which toys? Warhammer 40k toys? Or dolls? These have different demographics.

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Yeah, cause that something I never saw in an arcade as a kid in the 80s or 90s was any women or girls. nope.

Oh get out of here with this obnoxious gatekeeper fake nerdery.

What heavy focus? Did the game have time to have any focus, all I know of it was the bland trailer.

Eh obvious bad faith response because you have nothing to say. Boring.

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Its all they have at this point. They feel it crumbling but they have to pretend everything is hunky dory

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Why are men’s feelings invalidated over women’s?

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In the recent Capcom survey that pooled over 200k people from all over the world I believe the number of male/female/other players was something like… 84, 14, 4.

Which is obviously only Capcom player demographics, but that’s a pretty huge difference in numbers.


Oh no, I didn’t take your bare assertation over what I saw of that train wreck of a launch.

No one’s invalidating men’s feelings. I’m just invalidating the opinions of obnoxious jerks who think they own hobbies that they make up a small fraction of the fan base and try your damnedest to try and shove all the other fans out of there so it can die, but be your special thing.

Do you have any stats to back that up like I posted? Or are you just going off vibes?

And even if women are the minority in “violent fantasy warfare games” (way to move the goal posts lol), they still account for the majority of purchases within that realm. Thus it’s good business to market to people who actually spend money.

Like I said, if you want video game companies to appeal to you more, then spend more money.

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They have some very strong feelings about what it reality.