New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Uh yeah, because this game also has magic and all kinds of made up stuff that transcends physics in reality. Again, it’s a fictional video game, real world strength differences between men and women don’t even apply to a made up universe with magic. What even was your point and how did I prove it? lol

And yet if it doesn’t reflect “The world we live in today!”, you get all bent out of shape. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.

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It’s not when you don’t quote out of context. As someone else said. Some joe lifter can out lift a lot of women on pure strength unless they’re doping.

Testosterone is a crazy hormone.

I literally said this… But let’s look at this curve. The strongest man will vastly out lift the strongest female. The medium man will vastly out lift the average female. The weakest male will vastly out lift the weakest female. Thats what I said.


I said that the female orc could lead on virtue of being more POWERFUL based on all her qualities. I was arguing against the guy that said male or should lead because he’s physically stronger :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: that was my point from the start.

Strong does not equal power. Holy.

You can’t blame people being this way after what’s happened to Star Wars.

I’d be utterly decimated if I loved that franchise as much as 40k.


Sure, and I agree with you. But there is no physical strength difference between men and women in this game anyway, because the people who made this game and made up the universe and the physics surrounding it decided not to make a physical strength difference between men and women. So it doesn’t even apply that female orcs might not be physically stronger but might be more wise or something, they are the same physical strength as male orcs. That’s just how the people who made this game/universe decided it would work.

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Please give us big macho man leads! Like Arthas,varian, and thrall!

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I don’t want to force anyone to into my way of view. People that really fall into the -isms don’t care about being called those words. In fact they hold pride in those labels. People normally don’t change their views until they have some skin in the game. My point of view has been formed by years of treatment. I still remember when the group of white guys thought it would be “funny” to call my group the n word while we were just trying to drink some coffee at the bookstore. Keep your point of view and I will keep mine the ism don’t matter because you know who you are.

There is consequences for anything you do. If you are taking free speech as free from everything then that never existed.


Yeah they’ve done a great job trying to level it while shedding 80% of their playerbase. I wonder who those people who left are? This is called survivorship bias.

Again, this is like making a violent war campaign for Barbie called Ken the Barbarian. You’ll get some new male players while shedding a greater number of females who were there for the fashion. Wow, the %s are closer together! Good right? No, it’s obviously dumb.


lol after the game has gone somewhere from 12 million players to 2 or less over the years.

That is not an improvement.

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Oh good, more “people aren’t doing thing anymore, that must mean it’s because it went woke.” posturing

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Yes because in this case it went woke and shed 80% of its players in the same time period. It’s not reasonable to ask if the former contributed to the latter? Of course it is. There are other reasons too, but ask many gamers and they’ll say that contributed. If people saying it themselves isn’t evidence enough, what is?


Does Lucas Arts need to be shut down before you admit that the woke flavor has failed across the entertainment industry as a viable product for your average joe?


Even Disney knows that woke is a failure. That’s why they quitely got rid of most of the activists and hid and canceled as many projects as they could on Marvel.

They never cared in the first place. They talk a big game in America while hiding and minimizing Black Panther in China. lol


That’s interesting because the person who runs Warcraft Logs just said this recently:

I am fairly certain that World of Warcraft is at an all time high player count across its entire lifetime.

The number of players in China playing WOTLK is on par with the highest retail peak we’ve ever seen in WCL’s lifetime.

Then add in SoD and The War Within on top of that.

WCL started in WoD (2013), so yeah that’s not surprising. The player peak of WoW was WOTLK. You’re comparing a low player era count to another low player count era.

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They are also figuring out what happens when you become “the enemy” in those actors or actresses eyes.

Got any actual facts behind that, or is this more feelings?

We don’t have numbers and with a 20 year old game still charging a sub fee, it’s not exactly odd that it’d have a peak and then drop off from that, especially considering that peak was around 15 years ago now.

This is like all the people going “Look, all these cultures built the simplest way to build a giant structure out of stone, that must mean there was an advanced ancient race of aliens/atlanteans because there couldn’t be other reasons they all built pyramids (please don’t notice how different they all are)” where you take actual hard facts and spin up an amazing fiction around them for many times really not good reasons.

Come back to me when the nonsense lists of woke games you shouldn’t play aren’t all filled with some of the most successful games that have come out.

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So you don’t know what happened to Concord?

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“Trying to make your product appeal to as many people as possible is bad actually” is quite the take.

Anyway, y’all have fun in your little safe space No Ma’am meeting the mods have set aside for you.

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That’s what’s really eating all of you up, isn’t it? That the mods haven’t swooped in and canned this thread in it’s infancy. They’re on YOUR side, right? Why have they let this happen?
It’s ok buttercup. Walk it off.

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