New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Yeah just a bad faith troll. Yawn. So long.

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At this point i think you’re being intentionally ironic. Theres no way you lack this much awareness

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So no then, just vibes lol

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Go ahead and cling to that if it makes you feel better about yourself, sparky. :smile:


I feel like the margin of difference from men/women/other who play Blizzard games would be much closer than Capcom’s (84/14/4). But I don’t know how much it would be overall.

I know Blizzard surveys the palyers but do they ever release the results?

What, that it’s not a bad thing, and gasp, may be a good thing when hobbies get broader appeal? More variety is available to choose from, people with different backgrounds bringing new cultural influences into stories so the inspiration isn’t all coming from the same place so.

But then again, this is a movement that says “Leave our stuff alone and make your own stuff” out of one side of their mouth, and then makes death and other threats to people who do that out of the other side.

That “small minority” you speak of was 12million strong and didnt need all this DEI crap to make it successful.

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Sorry champ. You don’t speak for all of us.

I quoted it above for WoW specifically, but I’ll post it again:

World of Warcraft has 58.53% male players and 36.31% female players.

Also another interesting fact from this data:

Females rather play a female character (93.12%), whereas males play male characters to a lesser extent (65.73%).

Maybe Blizzard thinks that means men wanna see more women characters?

The overwhelming majority of people in WoW play female characters. If anything, the more female characters Blizzard adds, the more they are just appealing to what the majority seemingly wants.

One side accepted those where were marginalized and when that marginalized group entered the space they were welcomed. The more the marginalized was accepted the more they wanted to change the vision of the hobby, show, fandom they were accepted in to accept their vision. To the point that they used peoples good will to turn into attack dogs to run off the original fanbase.

You dont ask for inclusion then change everything about the fandom that included you to begin with.

It happen in video games so fast because most video games growing up were considered nerdy. We knew how it was to be marginalized and judge based on your prefrences so we accepted you. And now you’re fighting the same people who just wanted you to feel welcomed. And without realizing that your actions are creating a bigger backlash.


Take a look in the mirror. You’re also betraying that you’re motivated by contempt, not very progressive, bro. Anyway since you’re boring you no longer exist.

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You do not get to play the poor marginalized us card while you’re the ones trying to deny that to everyone else.

Stan the man would be ashamed of you.

No one is denying anything were asking it to be made for two instead of just one group thats all. Thats it. Have masculine stories that satisfy mens want for it and have emotional storylines for women. Or anyone who enjoys either of the two.

As expected from you, another dirty filthy lie. Where do you get your data? FOX NEWS!

Whoops. Never mind.

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But there are manly man stories. Did you not like Baelgrim’s story?

Personally I thought the story between Magni Bronzebeard and his grandson Dagran was some really nice representation of a good grandfather/grandson relationship and I enjoyed it a lot. Did you not?

Not sure if you’re joking but I can’t link where I got it from, but anyone else can just Google that sentence for the source.


Time and again, people make brand new games, and the people pretending they just want their own manly man stuff left alone go out of their way to harass and threaten the people who make them.

Or Merrix was a great character who has everything under control

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