New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Maybe you should ask yourself why a woman being a leader “seems forced” to you. Or maybe what number of women leaders would be acceptable for you and not “seem forced”?

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Read what I said a few posts earlier.

if 100% of all new leaders are of the same gender and yet you don’t think it is intentional or forced. Sorry to say but I think you have bias views.



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Do it where it makes sense like spider queen yes, Talanji yes, Jaina yes.

Examples I think is forced Overlord Geya’rah orcs usually have the strongest be the leader. It be one think if she was a shaman or another class where size and strength doesn’t equal power. Same thing with Gorgonna wasting leader.

That being said it feels like an agenda where if it can be either or and they go with the same group. I don’t have a number but they should keep some kind of parity.

It doesn’t need parity. This is a game called Warcraft for mostly male PC gamers. If they had any brain they would cater to male interests, like they did when the game had 5x more players.

It’s not like Barbie needs male parity and to also include a WH40k style ultra violent war campaign in addition to the dolls and clothes fashion.

But even if they’re going for “equity” they’re failing badly, every story is about reckless or incompetent men being shown up or replaced by strong independent androgynous woman. It’s less diverse and less representative and has worse characterization of both men and women than when the nerd guys were making it in 2003.


you obviously aint ever been to a weightlifting competition. pretty buff ladies at those competitions.

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I don’t know about replaced but ya they have been showing men as incompetent compared to their female counter parts. King Rashtkhan n Talanji, Thrall n Jaina, Anduin n the new one arm character.

I don’t have demographics but if it mostly male gamers than yes blizzard would be smart to carter more to them. Would I like to see more female players, yes I would and if adding female characters help than do it. My only thing is have some parity.

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Sure, but they are light weight compare to their male counter parts and by a wide margin. Heck even an average male gym joe could outlift them.

Maybe your trolling me


You got a source on that? Because I do.

World of Warcraft has 58.53% male players and 36.31% female players.

It’s pretty close to being even, I would not describe it as “mostly” male at all.

Also wanna add a fun fact: 80% of consumer purchases are made by women. So if Blizzard was smart they’d be trying to get that number of female players up.

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What the frack are you talking about man :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: magni and his son are awesome… Anduin is finding his fighting self again. Let’s hope thrall finds himself again. Even the one male dwarf who sacrificed himself was bad a.

Yes there is probably too many female leads right now but not by that much and there are so many guys out there being drama queens :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Reality is women can’t lift as much as men unless they’re doping with a hell of a lot of testosterone… Like a person can inject testosterone and do literally nothing and still put on muscle. Men just have infinite higher levels of testosterone naturally.

Not to say there aren’t strong women out there… Just that the strongest female will never match the strongest man if both are natural. There is something to be said for skill, intelligence and wisdom though… And even a female orc could lead a clan based off those attributes combine with her warrior ability.

Reality is we’re talking about green orcs, not humans. And a fantasy video game, not reality. None of those things have to apply to the physics of the game, the devs/writers/artists/etc can just be like “well female orcs are physically just as strong as male orcs” and that’s that, there is nothing else to be said. It’s not like you get a strength debuff when you play a female human warrior or something, they’re exactly the same.

They are basically copies of humans you know? Look at their figures. They’re not as big. Sure what you’re saying is true… But still kinda ridiculous as the similarities between orcs and humans could not be more obvious.

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Do you understand the basis for why things in fantasy become popular?

Its because they generally base a lot off of myth and legends weve built up over centuries. Something we built up through culture. And because of that it resonates with us because it still makes the connection to the human understanding of society and culture.


Right, and yet there is no physical strength difference between male and female characters in this game. They are exactly the same because it’s a fictional game and the people who created the game decided it would be that way. It’s completely moot to bring up real life physical strength differences between men and women in relation to a fictional video game.

I dunno, every character I’ve seen there is a difference. Just because your character model isn’t has zero relation to the actual lore characters.

Except that’s what virtually every story ever told is based on to some extent :roll_eyes:

You are something special… I literally was on your side in saying that a female orc could be leader by many virtues. Yet you just had to pick a losing point to pick a fight for some reason :expressionless:

All of my female characters are physically stronger than like 90% of the NPC men in this game. If you have any female characters, it’s the same. It’s a video game, sir.

And yet that isn’t the case for this fictional video game, sorry. It is what it is. This game is not reality. I don’t think pointing out that basic fact makes me “something special” lol.

I’m a male gamer and don’t share your “being dominated by males only” kink, but I won’t shame you for it. To each their own, and we should celebrate those differences and preferences. I never put any thought at all into the orientation of who is in charge, which is where the issue arises.

The only people who do pay close attention to that, and who care about it so deeply, seem to be the ones claiming they’re being “attacked by progressive culture” as some others here have put it.

They aren’t attacking men. They are attacking toxic men. Those of us who aren’t toxic know they aren’t talking about us and don’t feel attacked. If you are defensive about it, welp, now we know.

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Not just pure physically stronger though? Your character is an experienced veteran that’s hugely skilled, wise and intelligent… Your character is not out there winning anything on strength alone.

That was literally my point. Thanks for proving it :+1::+1: keep up your fight vs the world I guess, I’m out.

That’s a sloppy way to put something.

The truth is the top tier of women lifters can’t match the top tier of men. However, those are both curves that overlap, So the top tiers of women can outlift a majority of all men.

Didn’t you buy the vote for kamala hat?

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