New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

Peterson has the problem with the fact that he got his start on a lie that he grifted off of. It was a pretty straightforward law that just added another group into already existing hate crime laws in Canada, and he grandstanded off this idea that it was some sort of anti-free speech demand to force him to say things he didn’t want to, because he was dedicated to being a jerk. That makes it harder for him to be taken seriously as an expert speaking just from the facts and not just pushing his own biases.

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Jordan Peterson has inserted himself as the cudgel for the right to leverage whenever they need to whip out someone who is “intelligent”-appearing.

“Yeah, well this scientist states otherwise, so checkmate, lib.”

Yeah, and the broader professional community hates him. That’s the hill you want to die on? lmao


This is correct. People, who dislike him, are just like the random college kids, trying to be offensively smart with actual intelligent people and get rebuked, because they are so brainwashed at this point that it’s a lucrative income for people to make YouTube videos about it.

Boy theres some level of irony here


But they will never realize

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And how many of those will actually buy anything?
Just like the comic book industry, appealing to the Lunatic Fringe only alienates your old fan base and the people who screeched for it will never buy a thing.


You’re confusing “freedom of speech,” which is a principle deeply embedded in our culture, with the “first amendment,” which is just an expression of the principle in a document intended to limit government power. The first amendment is sometimes referred to interchangeably as “freedom of speech,” which is fine most of the time, but the distinction matters if the government is not involved.

Limitations on private power to attack freedom of speech are usually done in statutes. (Such as a statute in California against firing employees for political activity). Way back, for instance, people would get fired for giving speeches in favor of unionizing in companies. Those companies would say, “Hey now, the GOVERNMENT isn’t firing you. You still have freedom of speech, just not freedom from CONSEQUENCES.” What stopped it? Punishing people who “created consequences” for unionizing speech.

Really, the whole notion of downplaying freedom of speech by going “freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences” is kind of creepy. Ramping up consequences is exactly how you attack any freedom. People can agree or disagree, or think the consequences should themselves be legally restricted, but the measure of a freedom, not just legally but culturally, is inherently a measure that is directly inverse to the consequences.


While the study was primarily concerned with economic development, it included an analysis of personality traits as well which, would impact interest in media consumption.

It’s almost time. We’re only 150 posts away.

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Although most of the time those things are more applications of free speech. There’s a lot of people who try to pass off this idea that disagreement with an idea is an attack on free speech of the first speaker, and demand to silence those who have a different opinion.

If you mean “woke”, that stands for equal opportunity with regard to jobs, housing, family, freedom of speech etc., and equal justice under the law without regard to majority / minority status.

I’m surprised to hear that only the left wing believes in those things.

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Dwarf guy first zone → dies and replaced by new female leader
Magni second zone → replaced by new female leader
Anduin third zone → you got it, has to take lessons from female leader

The trope is old and transparent and it’s literally everywhere in media. Apparently only you haven’t seen it before.


Being a man isn’t toxic.


Most men are pretty simple to figure out, they like mindless violence and hot chicks in their entertainment.

Most men are not entertained by sob stories, peace and girl power social justice.

This truly isn’t rocket science.


Sad thing is, there is a point to be made for how the male characters are being treated outside of being upset the leads are all female. I made a conscious effort to pay attention to how the male npcs were being treated. There are lot of bumbling, incompetent or just evil male characters. Where as the female characters are not treated like that as much. Even then there is enough really positive female representation to balance that out. Where as the male characters really are missing that punch.

Then we have this as the third xpac where this dynamic is taking place so it seems heavy handed. Things may change in the next patch where male characters get more positive representation. The issue is that some people trying to make that point use such hate filled language and dog whistles. I have never seen such a group of people wanting to be oppressed so badly.

On the global level, all six preferences featured significant gender differences (fig. S1): Women tended to be more prosocial and less negatively reciprocal than men, with differences in standard deviations of 0.106 for altruism (P < 0.0001), 0.064 for trust (P < 0.0001), 0.055 for positive reciprocity (P < 0.0001), and 0.129 for negative reciprocity (P < 0.0001). Turning to nonsocial preferences, women were less risk-taking by 0.168 standard deviations (P < 0.0001) and less patient by 0.050 standard deviations (P < 0.0001) ([26]).

But yeah these personality trait differences would have zero impact on media interests.
Men and women are exactly the same, totally bro.


considering blizzard track record of writing almost certain its due to lack of talent. they probably just hire whoever will work for the lowest wage.

Twice mentioned?

Except thats not what it has become. You can try to paint your side as that but youve pretty much become the machine you raged against.

And alot of people are failing with that power. Seriously minority and females have more power than ever and what do they do with it? Oh right attack men. Very progressive


I will always blame the shift of putting in game motivations in books or other mediums outside of the game.