New xpack, all female leads? (Part 1)

As we near part 2 of this thread I just wanna comment that I’ve observed a lot of the same talking points over and over again. It’s like everybody is reading from one of two scripts.

If you could come up with some new material for part 2, that would be great. If I can find new gifs, you can find new arguments.

Maybe to niche collectors but not to everyone else.

Assuming that there’s enough left to collect after announcing Female Space Marines to be a thing.


Are you going to address the fact that space marines and Sisters of Battle have different goals and intentions, or are you just going to ignore that because you can’t refute it?

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I think the bigger factor here is that if you mess with 40k canon too much then most of the males invested in the franchise will walk away or turn to 3D printers.

Or hey maybe they could try selling boxes full of Female Space Marine models and see what happens.

I don’t think it’ll work out well for Games Workshop but if you think it will then by all means make the suggestion.

Okay, you can’t answer it.

Thanks for confirming you don’t know what you’re talking about by deflecting onto something else.

Cheers :beers:


You already assumed to be superior to me so why would I keep bushwhacking you over minor points?

Above is my summary and the harsh reality of doing business with left field ideas.

I’ll say stunning and brave once you create a new bit

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After. Got it.

I mean, you’re the one who made the claim that Sisters of Battle would cease to exist if female space marines were introduced into the world. That’s your argument, not mine.

Right, and that summary is riddled with erroneous assumptions about a fandom you don’t even partake in, evidenced by the fact that you have a very shallow understanding of what the Sisters of Battle even do. You saw they were equipped with guns and thought “that’s the female space marine, so why do we need actual female space marines?”

Again, this is why I don’t respect your take on this matter: Because it’s uninformed.


They’re tourists and don’t realize the Sororitas are a loophole church militant of regular people instead of monastic augmented super soldiers like Space Marines.


I don’t need to know every facet of the lore to understand that Female Space Marines are a bad idea.

How? Does the Gene-seed violently detonate upon exposure to estrogen?


That the Primarchs are all male?

It was the Emperors will?

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The reason you don’t have them now is because GW back then didn’t think they’d sell well enough to justify making more molds/sculpts at the time.


The Emperor was a whiny manchild who created the most horrific human society in existence.

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If you’re going to make the argument that female space marines are a bad idea because the Sisters of Battle are going to be rendered irrelevant, I would expect you to know what the Sisters of Battle do and be prepared to explain why you believe that.

Especially since the Sisters of Battle aren’t some niche corner of 40k lore. They’re actually one of the most recognizable wings of the Adepta Sororitas.

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Space Marines wouldn’t even be a thing without the Big E.

They are. Big E is dead and his corpse needs be shuffled off too. Rowboat Jellyman could lift a finger and say “recruit women too, idiots” and it’d happen.


Between the Sisters and Space Marines one has more relevancy over the other in terms of lore as well as screen presence.

People would replace Sisters with Female marines or make a joke of the Sisters.

How would it make a joke of the sisters? Do two female athletes in two separate sports somehow cancel eachother’s fame out too?

Is there some Estrogen Exclusionary Equation I’m not aware of?

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