Let your brother play it’s his turn
He can fight me for game time.
The Bechdel Test was never a metric of media, it was only ever a sardonic joke about media.
Also uni attendance is not that ideological, it’s entirely class based, which is why eugenics loving ghouls are regularly graduates from the Ivies and every conservative judge comes from the same prestigious schools.
Don’t worry all the “liberal” judges also come from the same schools.
I don’t think so, if they were as big as you say they’d already be out in droves on a model basis.
That they aren’t says enough.
So it makes me an authority over you, and given how frequently I’ve seen you interject on subjects you have little command over, I feel safe in assuming that many of your perspectives aren’t even remotely informed, but instead purely contrarian.
Personal bias against me shining here, no surprises there.
Oh, believe me. I have no illusions that there will be a microcosm of 40k fans who will endlessly whine about this. I’ve come across them before. I’ve even come across them recently.
But these individuals are recognized by the fandom for what they are: Meaningless contrarians who have no grounds for feeling the way they do beyond it being convention, which is never a good excuse for why something shouldn’t change. The lore doesn’t support their views, nor does the fandom, so I don’t really know why you continue to harp on the point that Warhammer will die if they do this.
And no, adding female custodes wasn’t needed. It wasn’t necessary to the overall lore and worldbuilding of that universe.
Which means their introduction should have no bearing on anyone, so anyone making a stink about it is a literal child.
40k has a vast repository of lore that has made it the depthless universe to explore.
A large percentage of the consumers of that lore are heavily into Space Marines.
If you tarnish the idea of what Space Marine are to them, they will drop it like a hot potato as the people you claim support these ideas won’t come anywhere laughably near to spending the money that the Space Marine devotees do.
These changes are clearly in line with modern tastes and as other franchises have shown you can’t have modern tastes stride in hand with a quality, profitable product.
You can’t have both.
I mean yeah but it wasn’t really worth mentioning when it’s someone pretending uni attendance is a liberal/conservative divide in itself.
Universities are brainwashing centers run by agents of the system
Real and true
These changes are clearly in line with modern tastes
I do wonder if they’d have the same sentiments if GW started throwing men into the Adepta Sororitas.
And then said “there have been men in the sisterhood the whole time!”
40k “lore” is a bunch of frequently retconned text about an absolutely mid setting that started off as satire and has been flanderized to sell overpriced plastic to people with disposable income.
The fact that the franchise has a large far-right following, yet the company has barely done anything to shake them off, is condemnation enough of Games Workshop as a garbage dump.
I don’t quite frankly care if the 8 foot tall zealot toddler in power armor is a man, woman, robot, or alien. I have more important things in my life to worry about.
I feel envious of you all that you are so completely unthreatened in your position that you can devote your time to feeling upset and worried about this. Meanwhile I have to worry about wether or not my healthcare and existence itself is going to be outlawed and if I’ll have enough money to uproot myself and flee.
I don’t think so, if they were as big as you say they’d already be out in droves on a model basis.
I have no idea why that is, but I’m more than certain you don’t either despite your attempts at implying the reason why. If I began to question the motives of any corporate hierarchy, I would drive myself insane over the number of times a company has literally sat on piles of cash in terms of ideas and concepts, and then chose not to do anything about those things. I mean, Sony was crying about how they haven’t cultivated enough original IPs last week, even though they sit on the largest first-party IP collection of any console manufacturer in the industry.
So I don’t. And neither should you, because you can’t answer it.
Personal bias against me shining here, no surprises there.
Correct, I don’t respect people who generally lean towards making claims that are baseless, inaccurate, and demonstrate a lack of understanding of the very thing they’re attempting to discuss.
Sue me.
If you tarnish the idea of what Space Marine are to them
Being male or female has nothing to do with the appeal of space marines. It has everything to do with them being genetically modified supersoldiers that rip and tear through militaries with ease. It has everything to do with them being so powerful that multiple cultures and civilizations view them as gods.
And it has a bit to do with their armor being the coolest designed, roided-up Buzz Lightyear armor in existence.
These changes are clearly in line with modern tastes and as other franchises have shown you can’t have modern tastes stride in hand with a quality, profitable product.
And this is why it’s impossible to have any sort of discussion with anyone who immediately assumes the worst about media. You’ve lived so long in this echo chamber of yours, where everyone tells you that the big bad woke monster is out to ruin everything you hold dear, that you’ve now reduced yourself to identifying patterns where patterns don’t even exist.
The introduction of a female custode couldn’t be because the fandom has long-requested them, nor could it be because someone at GW decided to finally include them because that’s what GW wanted to do.
No, it has to be because there’s a much larger agenda at play. Female custode? Immediately bad. The lore doesn’t support that assertion, only the convention/status quo, but you’ll still sit here crying about the death of 40k anyways, even though GW has made far, far worse (that isn’t to say this is a bad change, because it isn’t) changes to their world several times over that haven’t impacted the profitability or interest in the franchise.
Anyways, that’s my two cents.
Engineers disprove your theory soundly.
Why would earthen be outlawed? They were just added to the game.
Don’t listen to that agent propaganda.
Why should any company be compelled to ‘shake off’ their fanbase? Is this why you think Blizz is girlifying everything in this game, to ‘shake off’ healthy-minded males by ruining their own story? lol
I do believe that the bearded female variety should be outlawed, so I suppose it’s right to be afraid tbh
Because one side has convinced themselves anyone who doesnt hold exactly the same views is the enemy. The death of discussion without constantly accusing one side of some kind of ism is a tragedy.
Yes, they should seek to make you feel unwelcome. You only feel welcome when other people aren’t allowed in your special club.
What’s wrong with having special clubs?
You never had one to begin with. I didn’t see “Must be a man between 40-20” listed in the hardware requirements when I bought the game, and it wasn’t there back in the day either.
Blizzard is going to have more women in the story, it’s going to be written more emotionally mature, and you’ll just have to cope with it or go somewhere else. You’re no longer the market share.