A hardcore 40k lore fan would tell you that there’s nothing in the lore that indicates a female can’t be a custode, so there’s no real problem with it.
Signed: A hardcore 40k lore fan.
There’s nothing to botch. It’s not contradictory to the lore of that world.
They’ll also tell you that Games Workshop blindsided everyone in the lore by saying “there have always been female Custodes” when clearly that wasn’t explicitly the case before.
I’m a Chaos expert, from my perspective you can make anything fly but if you throw all the standards 40k was built on everyone will just ignore it and turn to 3D printers.
The entire 40k setting is an endless pile of retcons. Hell, some of the things the bizarre empire fans who are always shouting heresy in media that’s decidedly not 40k think are retcons clearly aren’t even with a cursory awareness of the setting.
Games Workshop literally rewrites and retcons things all the time. This isn’t a new thing.
If you’re getting caught up over this particular thing, then you shouldn’t be engaging with 40k. Like, at all, because you’ll probably have an aneurysm.
I’ve seen the painfully unfunny “blam heresy” crowd claim that the imperium being evil is a retcon even though the literal most iconic line about the 40k setting is the introduction that’s been there since 1e, you know what it talks about?
For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium, for whom a thousand souls die every day, for whom blood is drunk and flesh eaten.
You can visit any forum/subreddit concerning 40k. You will find an ocean of people celebrating the inclusion of female custodes into the universe.
People who are real fans of 40k care nothing about this. It’s a bunch of grifters who have no interest in 40k trying to spin it into something else entirely, and/or a vocal minority.
My impression of 40k’s fanbase is that it’s almost literally 2, maybe 3 fanbases, with imperium, chaos and alien fans basically only interacting to flame at each other.
If just being there constitutes as good representation then why was the token gay friend or the female love interest not enough for the equality group.